Aghdam-Khankendi road opened – Pashinyan challenges Moscow

by time news

2023-09-12 10:27:00

Author: Elchin Alioglu

Source: Trend

A total of one truck load of food with food and non-food products by the Russian Red Cross has already passed through Aghdam region and moved to Khankendi.

“Scania” brand heavy truck is already in Khankendi.

According to the joint cooperation memorandum of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society and the Russian Red Cross Society at the initiative of the Russian government, with the aim of meeting the food needs of the Armenian residents living in the Karabakh economic region of Azerbaijan, with the food and non-food products sent by the Russian Red Cross Society, a total of one The TIR food cargo was waiting in Barda for 2 days. Armenian separatist groups prevented humanitarian aid from going to Khankendi via the Aghdam-Khankendi road.

According to the claims of the separatists, the junta in Khankendi used “force” against the Armenians who blocked the road on the Aghdam-Khankendi road, near Askaran, and opened the road with the participation of the Russian Peacekeeping Contingent (RSK).

According to Hayk Shamiryan, the “mayor” of Asgara, the people who gathered near the “Tank” monument and blocked the road at first staged a protest and refused to release Russian humanitarian aid, but later changed their minds: “We talked, we agreed, we opened the road and the car moved.”

Revanchists and radicals in Armenia have evaluated the fact that Armenians from Karabakh first protested and blocked the road, and then gave up their ideas and opened the road as “dirty behavior”, “treason”, “treason of the unfortunates who act with the money of the Turks and the orders of the Russians”.

Armenians, it seems, are again caught up in illusions. So, according to the claims in the Armenian media and social networks today, “Lachin Corridor should be opened 12 hours after the arrival of humanitarian cargoes in Khankend: “This was ensured by the Russian side.”

The presence of the truck of the Russian Red Cross Society in Khankendi and the opening of the Aghdam-Khankendi route does not mean that the Lachin road will be opened for “completely free, uncontrolled movement” from Armenia to Khankendi and vice versa.

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) opening the Lachin road for free movement of cars is also not on the agenda. We should not confuse the processes and make mistakes.

In order for the Lachin road to be fully opened for the ICRC in accordance with the legislation of Azerbaijan, on the condition that border and customs control procedures are implemented, the humanitarian aid addressed to Khankendi by this organization should be transported only through the Aghdam-Khankendi road.

As for the 20 TIRs of “Spayka” company in Armenia, in front of SBNM in Lachin, these vehicles can be stored there until they rot.

Yerevan’s “humanitarian aid” will not be released to Khankend without control and customs documentation.

The processes are developing rapidly, and one of the components of what is happening is the “Eagle Partner 2023” military exercises, which Armenians are conducting together with the Americans.

85 American servicemen are participating in the exercises at the “Zor” training ground of the Ministry of Defense of Armenia. According to the official statements regarding the exercises, which will end on September 20, “Armenia and the US military will conduct joint action exercises in preparation for international peacekeeping missions.”

The exercises were met with serious dissatisfaction by the authorities of the Russian Federation.

The press secretary of the Russian President, Dmitry Peskov, stated that Moscow is not afraid of losing an ally in the form of Armenia: “We have been very close allies and partners with Armenia, and I am sure that we will be in the future. We may have certain problems and they need to be solved through dialogue. Armenia 1991 After recognizing the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan within its borders in 2011, the situation changed: “If we are talking about the territory of Armenia, you know that we have obligations within the CSTO. After Armenia recognized the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan within the borders of 1991, the situation there changed a little, and this should be taken into account. This was Yerevan’s decision.”

D. Peskov commented on the possibility of Armenia’s withdrawal from the CSTO as follows: “Many discussions have been held on this topic. Including, pro-Western analysts in Armenia have repeatedly emphasized this. But we have not received any official signal about this.”

Matthew Miller, the official representative of the US State Department, said: “Our military exercises with Armenia are routine, planned in advance and in no way related to the increase in tension between Yerevan and Baku.”

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyans, in an interview with local Public Television yesterday, while answering a question about the exercises, said: “Joint military exercises with the USA are not being held in Armenia for the first time. They are planned exercises in advance. Besides, we did not visit Ukraine in 2020, the ratification of the Rome Statute We didn’t do it, we didn’t conduct exercises with the USA. But this did not prevent the start of the war with Azerbaijan.”

Regarding the “election” of Samvel Shahramanya, the new head of the separatist junta in Khankendi, and the fact that he was not congratulated by the official Yerevan, Pashinyan said that he regretted Araik Arutyunyan’s resignation: “As for the new leader of the Karabakh Armenians, I don’t see a serious reason to congratulate him. Shahramanya has a great responsibility. “Our current position is to be consistent with the logic of the international community and not to contradict that approach.”

That is, N. Pashinyan wants to say that they do not want to go against the international community, which condemns and does not recognize the so-called “election” by congratulating Shahramanya.

In essence, Nikol Pashinyan admitted that he did not intend to recognize the new leader of the Karabakh Armenian separatists as “president”, that the “elections” were a fraud, and most importantly, he said once again that he considers Karabakh to be Azerbaijan’s territory.

Thus, in removing Armenia from Russia’s total and unconditional circle of pressure, Yerevan in establishing intensive relations with the most diverse states without receiving orders and instructions from Moscow, Russia leaving the South Caucasus region, and in general, Armenia’s “strategic” based on the “small-big” principle, continuing with Russia until now. For the first time, Nikol Pashinyan openly declared his interest in ending “alliance” relations.

If the interview with the Italian newspaper “La Repubblica” was the initial stage in the strengthening of Pashinyan’s anti-Russian rhetoric, the interview with the Armenian Public Television can be considered a quick and impulsive continuation of that course.

N. Pashiyan, who actively expands relations with the West, wants Russia’s geopolitical influence in the region to weaken.

In addition to the processes you have listed, the official Yerevan also sees that the options for solving the problems of the Karabakh Armenians living in the Azerbaijani territories, where the Russian Peacekeeping Contingent (RSK) is temporarily located, are reduced and there is only one way.

That way is the reintegration of Karabakh Armenians into the Azerbaijani society.

Despite the statements and statements of N. Pashinyan, who tried to prevent the dialogue of Karabakh Armenians with official Baku, he still continues to support the junta in Khankendi.

He does not want to allow the “Karabag clan”, led by the duo of former Armenian presidents Robert Kocharyan and Serzh Sargsyan, organized by the former “leaders” in Khankendi, Arkady Ghukasyan and Bako Sahakyan, and financially supported by the emissary of Russia to Khankendi, Ruben Vardanyan, to regain power in Yerevan.

Nikol Pashinyan thinks that he is now playing on several fronts, and for this purpose he sent 17 of the thousands of soldiers of the Ministry of Defense of Armenia in the areas under the control of the RSK, passing them through Lachin road and returning them to Yerevan under the name of “students”.

Processes have been accelerated and some processes have just started.

Armenia and Armenians in general are running out of choices.

They must now make an honest choice.

Otherwise, very serious problems await Armenia.

#AghdamKhankendi #road #opened #Pashinyan #challenges #Moscow

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