Agriculture at the forefront of the fight against climate change

by time news

2023-10-02 17:08:35

The fight against climate change passes through theagriculture. They are convinced of this Italiansaccording to what was found by theObservatory of the agricultural world Enpaia-Censis “Italian agriculture changing in the challenge of sustainability”. For almost seven out of ten citizens (68.9%) the primary sector is fully committed to promoting environmental sustainability. This is a widely held belief: young people (58.8%), adults (68.5%) and the elderly (75.1%) believe that this is the case. And the trust placed in agricultural businesses is not misplaced: again according to the Enpaia-Censis study they have activated virtuous mechanisms of adaptation to climate change.

On the other hand the Italian agricultural sector cannot afford to be left behind, given the importance it has not only at a national level (there are 690 thousand companies with 834 thousand employees), but also at a European level. The Belpaese is in fact in second place in the ranking of agricultural added value with over 37 billion euros, equal to 16.7% of the total European agricultural added value. Also in terms of production, Italy, with a value of 71,158 billion euros (13.3% of total European agricultural production), ranks third in the EU ranking, surpassed only by France (96,575 billion euros equal to 18%) e Germania (74,535 billion euros, 13.3%).

“The Enpaia-Censis Observatory highlights how agriculture represents a front-line sector for Italians in the fight against climate change – he states Giorgio Piazza, president of the Enpaia foundation, the national social security body for workers and employees in agriculture – The study also highlights the resilience of the sector from both a social and economic point of view, and shows how the sector is fully taking up the challenge towards the transition green representing a bulwark against global warming. A barrier due to the great ability of agricultural companies, livestock farms and the sector to quickly adapt to environmental challenges by knowing how to grasp the objectives in advance”.

The importance of the agricultural sector for Italians is certified by another data contained in the Observatory: 80% of primary goods consumed by families come from Italian agriculture. “The agricultural sector is becoming increasingly central from an internal production perspective with regards to the security given to citizens, but also in an international geopolitical role in giving the populations close to us the possibility of having a development similar to what we have had , especially in creating economic value – he concludes Ettore Prandini, president of Coldiretti – From this point of view, Italian agriculture is the point of reference at a global level also in terms of sustainability, but we must work further on the economic value that remains within our agricultural businesses.”

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