AHS: never stopping | Artemis Diary

by time news

2023-06-20 16:04:00

The first good news heard at the Provincial Assembly of the Hermanos Saíz Association (AHS) in Artemisa was that, despite all the setbacks and shortcomings, this organization, which brings together the youth vanguard of Cuban culture, has not stopped working in squares, parks, streets, theaters, institutions and in vulnerable neighborhoods.

This is how it transpired in this assembly, where the work of the NC Dance company and the impact of an event like Danzapuentes were recognized, proof that Artemisa can show its audience and the world an art of the most exquisite quality.

However, several members of this Company pointed out legal obstacles when defining the legal nature of the future headquarters of this dance group and recognized the magnificent quarry represented by the Eduardo Abela Vocational School of Art when it comes to acquiring new talents for the tables, despite the difficulties with transportation to get to this center and teach classes to students.

This year the contributions of literary clubs such as El patio purple, Solo loco, solo poeta, El Merequetén and the University Festival of Books and Literature (FULL), musical events such as Aires de Mar, in Bahía Honda, the Danzarte event , the landscape meetings, and the work of the AHS cell in San Antonio de los Baños.

Regarding this specific municipality, cultural capital of the province, Ricardo Concepción Rodriguez, governor in the territory, pointed out how much has been achieved in the recovery of various social and cultural works in the land of Silvio and Abela, while making reference to the need to achieve for the emblematic Cuenteros a venue that truly responds to their brilliant career.

More than one intervention pointed to the need to strengthen ties, achieve greater cultural interaction between the Vocational School of Art and the municipality where it is located, San Antonio, since both students and the public need a constant exchange that mutually enriches them.

Other interventions aimed at seeking facilities for musicians to participate in the renowned Romerías de Mayo and three AHS groups, Versus, Tiempos de Sí and Amy-Go, to get rid of the bureaucratic obstacles that prevent them from accessing the category of professionals.

Gladys Martínez Verdecia, a member of the Political Bureau and First Secretary of the Party in Artemisa, recognized that, although the private sector influences the transformations of Ariguanaba’s cultural institutions, the greatest weight of these investments comes from the State budget, she invited to raise the role of the artistic directors, open all the doors to the members of the AHS and proposed to work hard to specify a venue for the House of the Young Creator in the short term, since Artemisa is the only province that does not have one.

Both Kenelma Carvajal, Vice Minister of Culture, and Rafael González Muñoz, National President of the AHS, based their interventions on looking at art and culture from an in-depth perspective, with short- and long-term work projections.

At the end, the creators Jorge Raymel Quiñones were selected as delegates to the IV Congress of the AHS, who was elected as the new President of this organization in Artemisa, accompanied by Odelín Núñez Travieso and Amanda Fernández Graverán, who will occupy the positions of vice presidents.

The delegates and directors thanked José Sisto López for his magnificent work at the head of this youth institution and it was announced that, after his farewell as President, he will assume the direction of the Casa del Joven Creador. Sisto will attend the IV Congress as a guest. The conclusions were made by Maylén Martínez Abréu, first secretary of the UJC in Artemisa.

#AHS #stopping #Artemis #Diary

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