Aid for self-consumption for families with fewer resources

by time news

The PSOE wants to establish specific and complementary aid to those already existing so that families with fewer resources can access self-consumption in those municipalities and autonomous communities in which it wins in the next elections that will take place on May 28.

An ecological and fair transition as a guarantee for the future

This is stated in the epigraph An ecological and fair transition as a guarantee for the future of the framework program 15 priorities and 300 measures designed by the PSOE to which Europa Press has had access.

The Socialists agree to develop regional laws on climate change, waste and the urban water cycle

In addition, the Socialists are committed to developing regional laws on climate change, waste and the urban water cycle.

In terms of ecological transition, the PSOE wants to promote climate change and waste laws that complement the state ones and promote with the Government of Spain a “new social contract” with citizens to achieve a fair ecological and energy transition that guarantees quality employment and healthy living conditions and aimed at reducing social inequalities.

The Socialists want to expedite the procedures for the deployment of the renewable energy, self-consumption and storage.

To win the elections

Specifically, if they win the elections, they will promote climate change laws in the autonomous communities that develop and complement the objectives of the 2021 Climate Change Law. In this sense, several autonomous communities already have an autonomous regulation on this matter, such as example Andalusia, Catalonia, the Balearic Islands, the Valencian Community or Navarra.

In that sense, integrated regional energy and climate plans will be drawn up with energy and climate strategies based on the state plan.

It proposes in its electoral program to establish specific and complementary aid to those already existing so that families with fewer resources can access self-consumption

To facilitate this transition, the PSOE proposes in its electoral program to establish specific and complementary aid to those already existing so that families with fewer resources can access self-consumption.

They undertake to approve regional laws on the Urban Water Cycle that promote sanitation and purification and incorporate water reuse processes that do not result in greater uses but instead replace pre-existing ones.

It also undertakes to develop low-emission plans with financial coverage in towns of over 20,000 inhabitants and to approve regional laws on the Urban Water Cycle that promote sanitation and purification and incorporate water reuse processes that do not result in greater uses but instead replace others. pre-existing

Water adaptation plans to climate change

In this sense, it wants to draw up plans for adapting water to climate change in which actions to protect and improve biodiversity as water management solutions and promote lto citizen participation in water management and participatory management systems will be launched to involve citizens.

In terms of water, the socialist program foresees tax high water consumption and encourage saving and efficiency systemsat the same time that it wants to regulate the application of fees and pricing processes for water uses, taxing the greatest use and encouraging savings and efficiency systems.

promise develop the PERTE for digitalization of the water cycle to apply new technologies that allow improving management, efficiency, reducing losses in supply networks and advancing in compliance with environmental objectives

also promises develop the PERTE for digitalization of the water cycle to apply new technologies that allow improving management, efficiency, reducing losses in supply networks and advancing in compliance with environmental objectives.

Implementation of citizen water observatories

Just as there is a Water Advisory Council At the national level, the PSOE promises to implement transparency and participatory management mechanisms with the implementation of citizen water observatories.

On the other hand, in terms of waste also wants to pass laws that manage them and speed up the transition to circular economy as well as to facilitate the achievement of the objectives of the Waste and Contaminated Soils Law approved in April 2022.

To do this, he promises to promote the adaptation and innovation of selective waste collection systems in line with European and Spanish regulations, as well as plans and infrastructures for composting.

in line with the National Strategy to Combat Desertificationwants to draw up desertification plans and drought adaptation in municipalities and autonomous communities, as well as adaptation plans for adverse weather events to respond to extreme and even catastrophic episodes.

Forest fires

To deal with forest fires, the PSOE promises update the regulationsstrengthen firefighting systems and promote coordination between administrations, with special attention to preventionwell planned and executed, with time and resources.

He promises to incorporate Laws of Natural Heritage and Biodiversity public management and conservation policies based on the best scientific knowledge available and allow the development of economic activities that value biodiversity

In this sense, he promises to incorporate the Laws of Natural Heritage and Biodiversity public management and conservation policies based on the best scientific knowledge available and allow the development of economic activities that value biodiversity.

Finally, in their approach, the socialists want work through dialogue and cooperation between the different levels of the administration, social agents and civil society to turn climate change into an opportunity for the territories.

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