Aimyon Unveils Hidden Stories Behind Her New Album ‘Cat Jealousy’!

by time news

This time, it’s the Hidden Story of Aimyon’s new album “Cat Jealousy”.

The first track of the album is【Show Me】.

“I wanted this song to have a sense of an opening, like a beginning, so the arrangement went in that direction. I quite like having a short song as the first track; I did that in my previous albums too. It has a feeling like a preface in a book, and I thought it would be nice to have that kind of atmosphere in the album, so I brought this short song in as an opener.”

Just over 2 minutes long, really like a [preface], 【Show Me】. The scene of a couple in a relationship is depicted alongside a cheerful melody, but this part of the lyrics pricks at you: “Why do I end up learning more things I don’t know after showing everything?”

“This part of the lyrics was the main point of the song, so I’m glad about it (laugh). It’s like I’m asking everyone. I want you to tell me. What do you think? Why do we end up learning more things we don’t know after showing everything? I thought I knew everything, but why do I learn more things I didn’t know once we’re together? Why do you think that is? Even though I’ve exposed everything, why are there more secrets? Why do I end up learning more things I don’t know?” That’s the mystery in love.”

And the second track of the album is the theme song for the drama “Unmet: A Neurosurgeon’s Diary”,【I’m Coming to See You】.

The song begins with, “In the fridge, a love letter I missed eating, one by one, turns white.”

“This song was written for the drama, and the theme of ‘Unmet’ revolves around memory, as it’s about a neurosurgeon. The discussions about it started around the end of 2023, and production began. It was in the cold season, and as winter came, I started to remember some bittersweet memories. I thought I’d unearth and write about my own memories. It was a memory of Valentine’s Day. I’m really not good at Valentine’s, and I’m not fond of baking either. I think it would be cute if I could say I liked baking (laugh), but that’s not the case at all. So, at that time, I made something for the person I was dating, because they asked me to. I handed it over, but no matter how many days passed, they never touched it; the chocolate just sat there in the fridge. Gradually, the chocolate started turning white, and I thought, ‘What the heck?’ (laugh). That memory was the starting point for this song.”

And we also talked about this song. Sound production and arrangement were done by Kawabe from the band Mitsume, and members of the band DYGL also participated in the performance, in the track【Lucky Color】.

“When it comes to albums, many artists participate all at once, so there are certainly many first encounters. Especially, the artists that Kawabe brings are often new to me. The members of DYGL were also new faces and around the same age, so we had a lively atmosphere. It felt a bit like a university club… although I’ve never experienced that (laugh), it had that vibe and was fun. We recorded while eating egg tarts and asking if anyone wanted coffee, and it was a cheerful recording session. We recorded the instruments and vocals in one day; the instruments were recorded first, and I could feel the vibe of ‘thank you for your hard work’ from everyone while I was doing my vocals. I was like, ‘You can go home now, right?’ but they stayed until I finished. I felt so grateful. It was great to record together with all these kind people.”

Aimyon Unveils Hidden Stories Behind Her New Album ‘Cat Jealousy’!

And this 【Lucky Color】, “Today, I hope the rain doesn’t fall on my eyelashes,” in the lyrics, [eyelashes] becomes one of the points.

“Many women value their eyelashes, don’t you think? They seem to want to lift them up. Eyebrows are often seen as symbols of the times and are talked about a lot, like thin or thick eyebrows. When Amuro-chan came in, everyone wanted thin eyebrows because she was doing it. I feel eyelashes are somewhat similar to that. A long time ago, back when I was a student, I used to put on a lot of false eyelashes and take purikura. Depending on the era, I change too; hair often symbolizes that. Hair, in general, is really symbolic for people. I feel like what I’m into right now manifests in my hair. Today, I’m wearing some eyelashes, but I’m more into just using a curler to lift them up without much mascara. Just like the lyrics say, ‘Today, I hope to lift my eyelashes high.’ But how one does that can vary; whether lifting them with mascara or in various ways, the lyrics convey the idea of aiming upward. Although I wrote it in a girly way, of course, it’s the same for men. The lyrics express a wish that the rain doesn’t fall on anyone’s eyelashes.”


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