Air France sows chaos, passengers abandoned in Douala – 2024-07-11 07:25:19

by times news cr

2024-07-11 07:25:19

A new storm is hitting Air France in Cameroon, highlighting the alarming decline in the quality of service of the company. As revealed exclusively by, hundreds of passengers found themselves stranded in Douala in scandalous conditions, victims of the blatant incompetence of the French company.

Air France Passengers’ Nightmare in Douala

Last Tuesday, what was supposed to be a simple Douala-Paris flight turned into a real ordeal for travelers. The plane, declared defective at the last minute, grounded hundreds of passengers without any consideration for their personal or professional needs.

Disastrous communication, symbol of Air France’s contempt

The height of disrespect? Passengers were not informed until after midnight, and were not even allowed to have the Air France agency head present. This flagrant lack of communication only underlines the company’s disdain for its Cameroonian customers.

The Onomo Hotel, a gilded prison for abandoned passengers

Herded into the Onomo Hotel in Bonanjo like cattle, the travelers had to make do with this meager compensation. But what about those who had crucial appointments in Paris? Air France seems to be completely indifferent to the consequences of its incompetence on the lives of its customers.

The miracle repair: Air France plays for time

Rather than chartering a new aircraft, Air France chose the easy solution: making passengers wait until Thursday, while the defective plane was repaired. Two days lost for the passengers, but what does it matter to the company, apparently!

GECAM sounds the alarm, in vain

This new incident proves the president of the Cameroon Business Association (GECAM) right, who had recently called out Air France on the deterioration of its services. Despite a meeting with the Minister of Transport, the situation does not seem to be improving. Is Air France openly mocking the Cameroonian authorities?

Air France in Cameroon: a vicious spiral?

This succession of incidents raises the question of the future of Air France in Cameroon. Is the company still capable of providing a service worthy of the name? Or has the Cameroonian market become negligible for the French giant?

Cameroonian passengers, second-class citizens for Air France?

This disgraceful treatment of Cameroonian travellers raises questions about the ethics of Air France. Would the company dare to treat its European passengers in this way? Is this not an unacceptable double standard?

Towards a boycott of Air France in Cameroon?

Faced with this accumulation of shortcomings, the question of a boycott of the company by Cameroonian travelers arises. Must it come to this for Air France to finally take the grievances of its African customers seriously?

This new episode in the Air France saga in Cameroon leaves a bitter taste. It is time for the company to take the measure of the anger rumbling among its Cameroonian passengers. Without a quick recovery, Air France could well see its reputation permanently tarnished in the African skies.

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