Aism herbs to help women with multiple sclerosis

by time news

“We do not stop the research because I would like to continue to hope. I wish that one day we could say: there is a cure” asks Chiara, a young mother with multiple sclerosis. She asks this on the occasion of Women’s Day because multiple sclerosis mainly affects the women with a ratio of 2 to 3 compared to men. The Italian Multiple Sclerosis Association (Aism) will distribute aromatic herbs, with a donation of 10 euros, to help research but above all to enhance the services dedicated to women with multiple sclerosis. Aism volunteers will welcome citizenship in the solidarity points distributed in the main Italian squares on Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 March and again on Tuesday 8 March for Women’s Day.

From now on – reads a note – it is possible to book your own package of aromatic herbs by contacting the provincial section of your city (the list of which can be consulted on or by calling the provincial section directly Aism of its territory). Both with the reservation and in the squares everyone can receive the kit with a mix of two fragrant aromatic herbs plants: ranging from thyme flavored also with lemon, to marjoram, rosemary, sage and oregano, colors and aromas with which to embellish the home environments or flavor dishes in the kitchen but above all they carry the scent of solidarity.

People with multiple sclerosis – recalls Aism in a note – have been hit twice by the health and social crisis triggered by the coronavirus: due to the fragility of the immune system, they must take even more caution. With the funds raised with aromatic herbs, Aism will be able to guarantee the responses of care, assistance and support to the person but above all they will serve not to stop scientific research. Even the ‘Angels in motion’ will offer their support at the event to deliver aromatic kits home to those who request them through the relevant Aism section.

Chronic, unpredictable and disabling, multiple sclerosis – recalls Aism – is one of the most serious diseases of the central nervous system. 50% of those affected are young and not yet 40 years old. It affects women twice as many as men and in Italy 130 thousand people suffer from it, 3,600 new cases every year: 1 every 3 hours. The cause and the definitive cure have not yet been found but thanks to the progress made by scientific research, there are therapies and treatments that can slow down the course of multiple sclerosis and improve people’s quality of life.

To learn more about the disease, Aism has launched the ‘Appearance deceives’ campaign (, with the aim of raising awareness and providing correct information on multiple sclerosis and the impact that the disease has on people who suffer from it. A digital campaign starting from Aism’s social channels, as well as providing an influencer and testimonial campaign to make #apparenzainganna more and more viral. In support of the campaign also the solidarity number Aism 45512, to finance the services in the area provided by the 98 sections in support of people with multiple sclerosis. The donation amounts will be 2 euros from a personal mobile phone WindTre, TIM, Vodafone, Iliad, PosteMobile, CoopVoce, Tiscali; 5 or 10 euros from a call from a fixed network Tim, Vodafone, WindTre, Fastweb, and Tiscali, 5 euros from a call from a fixed network Twt, Convergenze and PosteMobile.

Many chefs will support ‘Aromatic herbs’: alongside Aism the godmother Antonella Ferrari, actress, writer and woman with multiple sclerosis, dancer Ivan Cottini. With them the ambassadors Francesca Romana Barberini, radio and TV presenter and Food Ambassador, the chefs Alessandro Dentone, Emanuele Mancuso and Roberto Valbuzzi and all the friends who promote the initiative through their social channels including: Elena Ballerini, Jill Cooper, Aurora Cortopassi, Annalisa Flori, Pietro Giunti, Eleonora Laurito, Elena Linari, Paola Marella, Josephyne Mary Murena, Ester Pantano, Nando Paone, Marisa Passera, Paolo Sottocorona, Barbara Tabita, Maurizio Tommasini, Gaia Tortora, Vic, Gianluca Zambrotta. Inside the ‘Aromatic Herbs’ kits – concludes the note – there will be an information postcard with a QRCode through which you can discover valuable tips and tasty ideas on how to use aromatic herbs, not only in the kitchen thanks to Massimo Bagnato, Francesca Romana Barberini , Cecilia Biancalana, Andrea Carlini, Alessandro Dentone, Antonella Ferrari, Andrea Filocamo, Daniele Frontoni, Francesca Nerozzi and Rattiflora.

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