Aíto sees the visit to the Breogán as a revalidation to look up

by time news

For Aíto, talking about play-offs is still premature for Básquet Girona, but the coach, little friend of big headlines and grandiloquent words, did not hide yesterday that a victory tomorrow in Lugo, against Breogán, would allow them to get closer to the best. «The team is working well for some time now, we have been doing better and better, and if we continue in this way we can get closer to the top places”, assured the coach, who also made it clear that “a defeat in Lugo would keep us close to relegation” . In Fontajau, the Galicians ended up winning in the final minutes of a game that Girona had controlled for many phases (66-73). That’s why the coach warned that we need a win against the Galicians, a direct rival, “if we want to beat them in the final classification, because if we lose twice it will be difficult to do so”.

Already without Josep Franch, who signed for Estudiantes this week, and still with Oriola out, who according to the coach is improving and is closer to rejoining the group, Aíto dared to qualify the tomorrow’s duel as “important”. Of the rival, he pointed out that “they are playing very well and that is why they are where they are”, and he considered that it can be decisive “to be right in the final moments and show that we can have a chance to win”. They asked the trainer if he considered the squad closed and threw balls out: “we can’t guess that, we’ll have to see how Oriola recovers and also if the improvement that Garino is making is consolidated”, he indicated.

Breogán adds two more victories than Girona (9-7) in the classification, i has the same triumphs as the eighthValencia, which occupies the last play-off position.

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