Al-Baghdadi’s right hand man arrested in Istanbul

by time news – The Turkish security forces have arrested a leading figure of the Islamic State in Istanbul, according to investigators very close to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, leader of the jihadist group killed in October 2019 in a US military operation in Syria.

A man of Afghan nationality, reports the Anadolu agency, was arrested on April 28 in an operation in Atasehir, in the Asian part of the metropolis. According to some Turkish media, the man, codenamed ‘Basim’, is actually Baghdadi’s right arm and allegedly helped the ‘Caliph’ to hide in Idlib, Syria. Basim belonged to the “so-called military wing” of the extremist group, according to reports from the TV station NTV. He arrived in Istanbul with a fake passport and identity card.


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