…..(Al-Ghanimah…or Ideas…)..two symbols that characterize the Arab mind… – Watana News

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two hours ago

…..(booty… or ideas…) ..two notations that characterize the Arab mind…

Written by Dr. Bassam Haloul

And in my claim, what was mentioned in the contexts of the Holy Qur’an did not appear in vain… the hadith of the rumors….and Surat al-Anfal…and the commentators have tried to explain Surat al-Anfal and explain the provisions of the booty..and despite their efforts, which were respected, a third dimension in the surah remained hidden, rather (it was lost to it) to some extent. his family
Or what it is called by the philosophers of the century (the one who mourns it over other than its people)… as it remains an ideal space for the one who listened while he is a martyr… or what Ibn Rushd called and in his wording (the dearest thing to ask)… or what was mentioned in its meaning according to Roger Bacon (the decisive experience)… and I claim that the connection For the commentators, there is no difference between (al-Anfal) and the hadeeth of al-Afk. This is because the Bedouin said that the Bedouin (didn’t fall into the al-Afk)….and it is a golden rule that not everyone who passed through them recitation and interpretation paid attention to.
What reinforces our claim is that the Messenger (may God bless him and grant him peace) called out to his companions before Badr: “This is not the Quraish. For the grammarians (it will be given to you.. it)… This is because of the strong relationship among some of them in adopting ideas… and its adherents because it is related to the benefit and benefit that accrues to some of them as a result of embracing an idea… and this is what reminds me now that Jordan is presenting to what is called (hissah al-Ahzab)..
Many of them defended what they could of (superfluous and booty)… bearing in mind that the ideas and their program require a great effort of education for many of their adherents… in addition to detachment for the sake of the idea purely without waiting for benefit or gains… and we are looking forward to a (lost homeland)…wasted by (factors). Nafl and booty)..Knowing that it should be a noise in the hearts of the (banners) bearers…and a slogan, but rather a reality that they live in, and as it is said (Ther’s no Place Like Homes….)….
…The thing that we note about this occasion or (Al-Haisah)…if the Bedouin does not go away….he fails you)…if he does not benefit from the idea as spoils…his tongue does not only curse or curse insults, but rather stabs the other side with his presentation, as happened with some of the Quraysh And fleeing from the tribes in stabbing one aspect of the personality
And the hadeeth of al-Afk is not hidden from anyone, and what Aisha, the Mother of the Believers (may God be pleased with her) was exposed to… and what she has of qualities that are characterized by knowledge, morality and politeness (take half of your religion from this donkey)… Despite the majesty of personality, the Arabs challenged the author of the message in his most cherished aspects and what is the hadeeth of al-Afk Far away for many of us… So the rule is for the Bedouins
If he doesn’t escape from you… he throws you with your width or throws him)… The golden rule is (if he doesn’t escape…. he will break you)…

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