“Al-Khudairi” reveals an “unpleasant” surprise about the use of sugar-treatment needles for slimming … and explains the best way to treat obesity

by time news

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Dr. Fahd Al-Khudairi, a professor and scientist researching carcinogens, explained: The use of sugar-treating needles for weight loss is only a temporary solution.

Al-Khudairi said, on his Twitter account, that “five years after using sugar-treatment needles for slimming (Uzbek- Victoza- Saxenda…etc.), it became clear to the researchers that they are all temporary solutions, and the weight will return, and it may be worse than it was.” after leaving it.”

He added, “The best solution to obesity is to adopt a healthy lifestyle that includes walking and reducing pastries, baked goods, fried foods, and sugars.”

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