Al-Maaita instructs to start a campaign to raise awareness of the amended traffic law

by time news

2023-08-21 15:20:58

Home local news

August 21, 2023

Watan Al-Youm: Director of Public Security Major General Dr. Obaid Allah Al-Maaytah stressed, on Monday, the importance of the efforts made by the traffic departments to preserve the lives and security of citizens through their security and humanitarian roles in creating a safe traffic environment.
Major General Al-Maaytah pointed out the need to continue making and strengthening these efforts, provided that they are accompanied by the application of best traffic practices, ideas, projects and initiatives aimed at making roads safer for citizens and residents.
During his visit to the Department of External Patrols, Major General Maaytah directed the necessity of activating traffic plans and maintaining readiness levels, in imposing comprehensive human and mechanical traffic control, with the aim of providing protection for users of internal and external roads.
The Director of Public Security stressed the need to take all measures to ensure the proper implementation of the amended traffic law with professionalism, discipline and without bias or discrimination, to achieve the goals for which the law was set and aimed at raising road safety, reducing dangerous and obstructing traffic violations, and reducing the number of accidents and their fatal effects and consequences. of injuries and deaths.
Major General Al-Maaytah instructed to launch a comprehensive and intensive awareness campaign, in cooperation with all media, to acquaint citizens with the amended traffic law, and the most prominent amendments and materials that were introduced to it to provide a safe traffic environment.
Major General Al-Maayta confirmed that the violation is not a goal, but rather preventing it is what they aspired to in the framework of the Directorate’s endeavor to achieve the goal for which the law was amended, which will become effective during the next month after completing its constitutional stages in full.
He also stressed the importance of concerted efforts and achieving partnership and integration with members of society and its institutions, pointing to the role of educational and educational institutions in establishing a traffic culture among all members of society, stressing the importance of communicating with teaching and administrative bodies and students at all educational stages, educating them and developing their spirit of awareness and commitment. Especially with the start of the new school year.
The Director of Public Security praised the efforts made by the cadres of the Department of External Patrols over the vast areas of the country, and their tireless efforts in various circumstances to enforce the law and provide the best security, traffic and humanitarian service, reflecting the true image of the Directorate of Public Security and the image of the distinguished security man, pointing out that the salaries of the Department of External Patrols represent the shelter And aid to citizens on the foreign roads.
During the visit, the Director of Public Security listened to a briefing by the Director of the External Patrols Department about the most important efforts, duties and action plans aimed at preserving the security and safety of citizens.

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