Alain Delon, a guardian will decide for him. The children continue to argue

by time news

A hypothesized measure, a decision that hovered in the air, after the statements that bounced around the world’s media in recent days, in which reference was made to the dramatic sentences said to the doctor last July, in which the actor admitted that he wanted to die , that his life “is over”. Now Alain Delon88 years old, was placed under judicial protection by the French judiciary, as announced by BFM TV.

For the elderly actor it is one provisional measure, less burdensome than actual protection. In fact, based on what the judge decided, Delon will be able to continue to carry out many actions, but not the most important ones, such as the sale of real estate, for example, which will instead have to be entrusted to a third party.

The decision: support administrator for Alain Delon

According to the television station that was the first to break the news, the judge of the protection disputes also appointed the “leader“, that is, the third person in charge of the actions that Delon will no longer be able to complete alone. Le Figaro he then delves into the scoop, explaining that it was the court of Montargis (Loire) that appointed a support administrator for the now 88-year-old star, whose psycho-physical conditions have deteriorated.

The French actor’s health conditions are progressively deteriorating

The newspaper clarifies that the justice measure follows themedical assessment performed by a licensed professional last January 13th. The decision of the court based in Loiret – where Delon resides, in his historic property of Douchy – was passed on January 25 and transmitted to the actor’s three children, Anthony, Alain-Fabien and Anouchka. The latter was “rejoiced” by the judges’ decision, according to what was announced by the lawyer Frank Berton.

On January 4, the public prosecutor of Montargis, Jean-Ce’dric Gaux, had indicated in a private letter distributed by Anthony Delon that, according to a previous expert opinion, the actor’s capacity for discernment would be totally abolished, thus specifying that he is evaluating “the opening of proceedings to place it under judicial protection”.

A few days later, Delon’s lawyer, Christophe Ayela, before withdrawing his mandate, sent a complaint to the public prosecutor about “his state of endangerment”, according to the alarmist conclusions of the Swiss doctor. What worries the doctor who follows the 88-year-old in the Swiss state is the suspension of treatment wanted by her two sons, despite her sister’s opposition.

For various pathologies the actor takes 17 drugs a day and during a testimony given to the police last summer he declared: “I want to die, life is over.”

What is judicial protection

What is the (provisional) judicial protection decided by the judge for Alain Delon

In general then the support administrator has the delicate task of “collecting the income on behalf of the person placed under his protection, allocating it to his expenses, manage your bank accountsto sort your mail, including electronic mail”, but also to “avoid acts of embezzlement, such as signing checks, current management of bank accounts and other documents”, as explained to Le Figaro by Vale’ry Montourcy, lawyer specializing in the rights of vulnerable adults.

This provision is adopted on a provisional basis, before the judge rules on the merits of the institution of guardianship or guardianship.

The position taken by the French judiciary follows several complaints for “endangering” of the iconic actor of “The Leopard”, whose increasingly serious state of health – both due to the consequences of a stroke dating back to 2019 and a subsequently diagnosed lymphoma, made known a few days ago – is the subject of a violent family feud.

Suicide risk. Rollin reports: “Attempted murder”

Since 2019, in fact, “Angel Face” (name of one of his iconic film characters) has been increasingly physically weaker also following the slowly evolving tumor that the eldest of the three heirs revealed a few days ago. In a report sent to the court, the doctor also declared that the interpreter of Luchino Visconti’s masterpieces was “in a state of physical and psychological exhaustion with a high risk of suicide“.

Two weeks ago Le Figaro he had also revealed that Hiromi Rollin, indicated as a carer or lady-in-waiting or even companion of the actor, has denounced Delon’s children for attempted murder against their father. Rollin sent a letter to the Montargis prosecutor’s office, which is investigating the star’s health conditions, in which he asks to “carry out urgent investigations” into facts that seem to resemble a “premeditated murder attempt“.

Alain Delon with his son Anthony in a photo from a few years ago

Accusations to which the 59-year-old immediately replied, claiming that his father was not thinking of ending it (“I’m just stories we read in the newspapers“) while for the statements received from Rollin he states: “I am forced to report Hiromi. He said some very harsh things.” Protagonist of a long interview with Silvia Toffanin on Verissimo a few days ago, the man retraced the various fields of conflict, within the family and outside, linked to his father.

Anthony Delon: “Dad doesn’t want to die, just a little tired”

“It’s a mess…” comments Anthony Delon also in Italian. If the conflict with his sister Anouchka “I was forced to respect my father’s will”, the same does not apply to the latest news, which describes the old man as tired of life, so much so that he wants to end it (perhaps resorting to euthanasia in Switzerland): “They are just stories we read in the newspapers – the man underlines -.

Then of course, it is true that unfortunately an interview came out in France with a doctor who spoke to him and to whom he said he was tired of living, but we can all go through one of those moments in our lives and especially in old age”.

Regarding the current state of health of Alain Delon, who is facing lymphoma, Anthony says that “he’s a little tired. I see him two or three times a week, when I go to him in the countryside and we manage to talk a bit.” As for the clash with her sister Anouchka, “it is a family conflict, sad in itself” which arose because “I wanted to respect my father’s will to stay in Douchy, where he decided to die and built his chapel, where he wants to be buried. Instead my sister wants to take him to Switzerland“.

A shot from the past of Alain Delon and his daughter Anouchka

Toffanin then shows some excerpts of the second daughter’s interview with Tf1, in which the young girl explains that after learning of her brother’s statements to Paris Match she was so disheartened that she even had thoughts of suicide, choosing instead to report him for having interrupted a treatment – defined as vital – followed by her father: “It’s just words, he didn’t report me”, explains Anthony.

It’s true 2that I interrupted dad’s treatment but it wasn’t vital, it was palliative. And last week a doctor commented on whether my father, I, my brother and my sister agreed to stop it. We had a meeting with the doctors where things were made clear, we all agreed. She lies” he concludes.

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