Albertini is a candidate for mayor and both the Draghi of Milan

by time news

Giampaolo Berni Ferretti, President of the Milano Vapore Association, publishes an open letter in the main Milanese newspapers. “The honorable Albertini is a candidate for mayor and both the Draghi of Milan”. The appeal for the former mayor to take the field in the next administrative elections in Milan, which should be held in the autumn, does not come only from the lawyer. Giampaolo Berni Ferretti, President of Milano Vapore. Other signatories are the lawyer. Mario Umberto Morini, Gianni Rubagotti, Secretary of the Association for the Radical Initiative Miriam Cazzavillan, arch. Edoardo Dubin (Move), Mirco de Carli and Pietro Chiapparo (People of the Family).

The former mayor of Milan for the moment is not unbalanced even if the possibility seems remote that he can fight a third time and after 15 years. But the signatories do not lose hope and in case they raise: “We hope there will be another liberal like Albertini. Milan, the beating economic heart of Italy as well as moral capital, needs it so much”, says the lawyer Giampaolo Berni Ferretti which adds: “The city has been able to reinvent itself after Tangentopoli, today it is the beating heart of a united Europe but a prominent personality is needed”.

The conquest of Palazzo Marino

For the moment the only name officially in the field is that of the current one Mayor Beppe Sala. The center-right is still looking for his candidate but in the coalition formed by Lega, Forza Italia and Fratelli d’Italia the only one who would seem able to regain Palazzo Marino in a challenge with the outgoing mayor would be precisely Gabriele Albertini. This is what emerges from a survey by the Eumetra company on the possible results of the elections published on February 26 by the newspaper The Republic.

Eumetra survey

Second the survey carried out by the Eumetra company, who between 16 and 20 February interviewed a sample of a thousand Milanese representative by gender, age and Municipality of residence, in a possible ballot Albertini would beat Sala 51 to 49.

Gabriele Albertini

In the letter appeal the signatories hope for Albertini to return: “We believe that if it is true that you were Mayor of the center-right, even if of a very different center-right from the current one, your political career as a center-right liberal will make you the Milanese profile more similar to that of the current Prime Minister. We therefore ask you not only to accept the candidacy but also to accept a civic revival project for the city “. And they conclude: “To allow us to keep alive that tradition of great Milanese mayors embodied with different political colors but with great skills and historical value from Bucalossi and Tognoli and which now seems lost “.


An Albertini is the Draghi of Milan

Millennia seem to have passed since Gabriele Albertini designed the Milan that we then saw built in the following years by Moratti and Pisapia.

The redeveloped dock, which had become perhaps the most powerful tourist attraction in the city, is now remembered for an abusive concert done in the midst of a pandemic and after the announcement of massive checks. In short, a Caporetto of civic security but above all a symbolic damage, but then an economic one, which the city will pay for for a long time with less tourism, lack of sponsorship of events and a decrease in the related businesses nearby, even after the pandemic.

On 8 September this year, the stadium owned by Juventus will celebrate 10 years of turnover and jobs given to its related industries and since last year Atalanta plays in the Champions League in its stadium while Milan and Inter are further behind. of Roma football in defining a project for their “city soccer field”. The smart working now and tomorrowhome working finally they risk keeping away hundreds of thousands of workers who came in every morning to work in Milan. The fallout in economic terms on the real estate market of offices, shops and the municipal coffers fed by many of them with Area C, seem inevitable.

Not only has Gabriele Albertini’s parking plan been canceled with the non-construction of more than 50 underground parking spaces, but the Pisapia and Sala administrations have and are mortifying private mobility with demagogic interventions that have only obtained a damaging double effect: cancellation of thousands of street parking spaces, with obvious difficulties for citizens who need to use their own vehicles and a strong economic damage for traders, and the constant increase in traffic in Milan which leads to paralysis in many streets of our city, first of all Corso Buenos Aires, a concrete example of the obtuseness of these last two joints.

And if the Milan of offices in the center suffers, the suburbs are even worse because after paying a higher price in terms of human lives to the virus, an economic crisis worse than that of 2008 will come.

Those who drive the city today are locked in the bunker of their social videos while their majority are disoriented by policies that override the right (the ban on smoking outdoors, among other things touted as a means to bring down the PM10) and constant winks at the far left of the coalition.

In this almost post-war scenario, even the center-right fails to bring out a strong leadership capable not of making populist rallies, but of embodying and carrying out a complex project to relaunch Milan as a European and international metropolis in the post-pandemic world.

Milan needs a figure and a solution like the one that Mario Draghi is embodying in the National Government, who knows how to speak and have a majority capable of overcoming the current alignments. Yes: it would take a Gabriele Albertini Mayor of the center-right, even if his center-right was very different from the current one. It would take a candidate for mayor who, like Gabriele Albertini, knew how to express and represent Milanese spirit (the humility of many small daily gestures, the incessant work and the creative genius that make that Italian uniqueness recognized throughout the world as its most salient feature) .

It takes a liberal like Gabriele Albertini, capable not only of having a thousand and more attentions for the growth of the territory and its companies, but also capable of making Milan discover its unprecedented international tourist vocation (capable of attracting capital and investments from abroad) and, to relaunch the Milanese spirit in the world, thus knowing how to rise to the role of the best ally of the current Prime Minister.

The relaunch of Milan will in fact be strategic for the future of the whole of Italy.

Attractiveness of the country system, competitiveness, innovation pass by now, in a regime of fiscal federalism, only from the Lombard capital. And great are the responsibilities of the First Citizen and of the City Council, in the design of our future and that of our children.

Yes: it would take again a candidacy of a Gabriele Albertini capable of keeping alive that tradition of great Milanese mayors embodied with different political colors but with great skills and historical value by the Bucalossi and Tognoli and which now seems lost.

Among the signatories

Avv. Giampaolo Giorgio Berni Ferretti (President of the Milano Vapore Association)
Avv. Mario Umberto Morini (Secretary of the Milano Vapore Association)
Gianni Rubagotti (Secretary of the Association for the Radical initiative Miriam Cazzavillan)
arch. Edoardo Dubini (President of the MobilMI Association)
Mirco de Carli and Pietro Chiapparo (People of the Family)

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