Alberto and Charlène «with a stronger energy than before». Monaco is celebrating –

by time news

2023-11-19 01:43:11

by Enrica Roddolo

National Day with the family reunited. Saturday dinner at the Yacht Club, Sunday Te Deum in the cathedral and a view from the balcony of the Palais. Camilla of Bourbon: Charlne is back with even more intense energy than before

Alberto and Charlne with Princess Caroline dined at the Monaco yacht club for the traditional evening dedicated to the Monegasque diplomatic corps, concluded by the fireworks which precede the most awaited moment of the Principality’s national day: the appearance of the princes on Sunday on the balcony of the Rocher. After mass at St Nicolas, the same cathedral as Rainier and Grace, then Alberto and Charlne.

Monaco is celebrating today for its princes who have found serenity after a difficult moment for the princess. Monaco celebrates San Ranieri, a national holiday, but this 19 November 2023 has a special flavour, that of a rediscovered, full, serenity. There’s Charlne and there’s Alberto — who two days ago took part in the Festival des Etoiles with the stars of the Monte Carlo restaurant industry Marcel Ravin, Yannick Allno and Alain Ducasse. And there are the twins Jacques and Gabriella.

Charlne is always by my side, she had some difficulties many months ago now, but now thank goodness she is over it, and always by my side. You support me in leading the Principality, Prince Albert said to Corriere della Sera in September, opening the doors of the princes’ private garden, at the Rocher.

The Rocher where celebration today for the Grimaldis. With the family swimming pool, loved by the twin children Jacques and Gabriella. Jacques is still small, only 8 years old, but in a couple of years I will start preparing him for responsibilities. I will begin to prepare Jacques and also Gabriella: the two twins cannot be separated, no differences can be made – the prince had told us -. Gabriella will have the same attention and training and will have just as many responsibilities, there is also a role for her in the Monaco of tomorrow. And brother Jacques will need it just as I have always relied on my sisters Carolina and Stephanie. I can’t do everything, the commitments in a royal family must be divided.

This was the case for Alberto and his sister Carolina, to whom the prince gave the role of minister of culture of the Principality. It is she who every year rewards the deserving for their intellectual contribution to the success of the enclave between France and Italy. She who brought artists and great art events to the Principality as well as having wanted the Nouveau Muse National de Monaco. This was the case for Alberto and his sister Stphanie who inherited the attention and commitment to animals from their father Ranieri.

I can’t do everything, the commitments in a royal family must be divided. The words of Alberto who in recent years has worked on the international relations front and is now looking for an association agreement with the European Union that will allow us as a country to benefit from the European market today make us understand the meaning of the Grimaldis gathering around their prince .For Carolina and Stphanie, a brother, for Charlotte, Andrea and Pierre and Stphanie’s children, the uncle.

For everyone, princes or ordinary mortals, life goes through difficulties, even for Princess Charlne there was a complicated moment but thank goodness she overcame it and now Charlne has returned to Monaco with an even more intense energy than before, she tells the Courier Princess Camilla of Bourbon. Always close to Prince Albert, he was the cupid of my marriage to Charles (the heir of the Bourbon Two Sicilies dynasty, ed.) and I remember our meeting at the St Nicolas Cathedral in Monaco, right where the Te Deum of the National Day, twenty-five years ago Prince Ranieri in the front row with an emotional face. Maybe she was thinking about him and Grace in that same church.

The National Day for Monaco is a family moment for the Grimaldis who gather at the Palais for a large annual gathering, and at the same time the opportunity for the Principality to renew its affection and support for its prince.

It is the occasion in which the children of Carolina and Stphanie reunite in Monaco, with their children, and over the years it is always a thrill to see the little princes grow, continues Princess Camilla of Bourbon, an ancient friendship also with Carolina and daughter Charlotte. After Mass and the most official moment, traditionally there is a concert and there are fireworks, because it is a celebration of Monegasques not only of the prince’s family. And I think Alberto did well when he succeeded his father Ranieri in 2005, to keep the date of San Ranieri as a national holiday.

Yes, Alberto never wanted to change it to St. Albert’s Day. A gesture of continuity with the father, and of respect. And today’s Principality is a construction site, all in progress, with great energy, the princess closes. The large extension on the waves in front of the Larvotto seafront, MareTerra, now stands out, with its towers emerging from the sea and the marina designed by Renzo Piano. It should be delivered in 2025 but the works are ahead of schedule, the apartments in the towers have already been sold for a year. 2024 could give Monaco its surprise. One year before Prince Albert’s twentieth anniversary of reign, in 2025.

As an institution, as a guide, you have to try to understand where you want to go, who you want to take with you, but also who you want to take care of and you are not always sure of the choices you make. And you gain experience by reigning, the prince told us, taking stock of these years of reign. Confessing that in the most difficult moments he does not forget mother Grace’s advice: Always trust your heart, your instinct, your first impression. What I try to do is the test of time, if I look back, my first impression has almost never betrayed me.

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November 19, 2023 (changed November 19, 2023 | 00:12)

#Alberto #Charlène #stronger #energy #Monaco #celebrating

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