Alberto Fernández: from 80% approval to equal rejection

by time news

2023-04-21 18:46:46

According to a survey of the last week of Poliarquía, Alberto Fernandez he barely achieved 18% approval for his management, while in opposition 82% partially or totally disapproved of what was done during his presidency.

These figures reflect the greatest rejection for a president in two decades, and in turn one of the worst positive image performances for a Latin American president. 18% of Alberto Fernández is even worse than the little favorable image that Sebastián Piñera had during the uprisings in Chile, and several points lower than that of Pedro Castillo when he left the Peruvian executive.

Even Jair Bolsonaro after a controversial presidency, left Brazil with a 40% approval of his management. Political volume far removed from that exhibited in Mexico by Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who still commands 65% approval, a few points below Lula da Silva, who despite the decline in his positive image over the last month, still maintains a important flow of approval, close to 70%.

The president who He knew how to have an approval close to 80% During the first months of 2020, when he was in charge of the quarantine administration in the face of the Covid 19 pandemic, squandered all those adhesions in three years to have today the greatest disapproval of an Argentine president in the last two decades.

Alberto Fernandez and Antonio Aracre

numbers they did impossible to think of a re-electiona scenario with which Albertism flirted anyway until a few days ago: the chief of advisers Antonio “Tony” Aracreforced to resign this week, was seen as an eventual replacement for Sergio Massa after the failure of the Economy Minister to lower inflation, and they fantasized from the presidential red circle about a stabilization plan that would put Alberto Fernandez at the head of the government.

None of that happened. Sergio Massa in an exercise of pure Peronism, he forced the resignation of the former CEO of Syngenta. And Malena Galmarini herself, head of Aysa and wife of the leader of the Renewal Front, framed in an RT: “The end is when Massa leaves” (words by economist Alejandro Kowalczuk).

Sergio Massa - Alberto Fernandez

The minister is, despite the setbacks in the economy and the substantial rise in the dollar this week, the best candidate in a Front of All that suffers from Kirchner heirs capable of taking charge of the succession (on the contrary, he insists with the operative clamor to convince the vice president to be a candidate again). According to an M&F survey. Massa could arrange 20% of the votes in a formula with the Minister of the Interior, Peter’s “Wado”if it also has the support of Cristina Kirchner.

But even so, the official space would be third in the general elections against the votes of Together for Change and Javier Miley. An electoral catastrophe for Peronism, in tune with the Argentine economic scenario that in turn promotes social conflict and insecurity. A scenario where re-election was merely a dream.

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