Alberto Fernández prepared the reappearance of Martín Guzmán and analyzes a change in his management

by time news

nothing was improvised. The Minister of Economy, Martin Guzman, met with the President of the Nation shortly before going out on the field of public statements. He did it at Quinta de Olivos, and with that endorsement in hand, and much more than a private accolade, he did not hesitate to attend the interview on C5N with the “key” messages -as they say in communication jargon- ready and prepared.

Why and to whom did the minister speak? “We will manage with those who are aligned with this economic plan,” he assured. That is, without the ‘Federico Basualdos’ of this world. The undersecretary of electrical energy who was supported by Cristina and by La Cámpora is not compatible with this statement by the Minister. Either Roberto FelettiSecretary of Commerce, who did not hesitate to shoot Guzmán in the face of the data that comes from March inflation. The Chinese shadows, as those who respond to Cristina Fernández and La Cámpora ironically call them in ‘Albertismo’, and go against Alberto Fernández, they have turned the hourglass. Of course, for this, Alberto Fernández would have to make the most difficult decision. That is the debate that today I lead indoors with his small table.

If he finally does what cabinet sources anticipate and fires several officials who do not work for him, on the other side they threaten a massive withdrawal. There arises another debate. Is it real that La Cámpora and Kirchnerism would return to the open, leaving a management of the boxes of 71% of the public budget? In private they see it as unviable. So it is that one of the plays that is analyzed is to fire some of the main referents of the midlines. Precisely those who use the most extreme Christianity to liquefy presidential power.

Why Martín Guzmán broke the silence, the analysis of José Del Rio in Mesa Chica, by LN +

That decision depends on several factors that the president decides in private. Of course, those who know Alberto Fernandez they prefer not to give it as certainty. Except when she surprised them with her thanks for the flowers and the unrequited show of affection after Francisco’s birth. However, they assign a high viability level. The play is simple: the first figures would not be touched but the supporting actors. And if they decide to resign, the court will be free. Of course, what for Albertism are supporting actors, in Christianity they are defined as key figures and the subsequent domino is not clear. Yes, the polls that show the president that he is on his way are about to start planting some no. Just like what his Minister of Social Development, Juanchi Zabaleta, did, who put limits on social organizations and raised a new debate to change plans for work projects.

Meanwhile, everyone, absolutely everyone in the Government, awaits Cristina’s words, the formalization of the Indec data that will be closer to 7% than 6% and also the mobilization carried out by social organizations towards the Plaza de Mayo. Less virulence and more action, those who hope for a calm day tomorrow in that sense are excited but a black wednesday for the economy.

Although covered by the contradictions of his first years in government, many forget that Fernández knew how to be a political strategist. Why does Guzmán anticipate a negative number? It does it for two reasons. One is that Cristina will break the silence this Wednesday and for that matter he has already opened the umbrella. He anticipated the move. He warned that this inflation number will be the highest of the year -supposes- and justified it in the international context. International context that will be Cristina’s main argument to bring the global crisis closer to the local reality. In the Cámpora they say they do not understand why Alberto Fernández supports his minister. “Poverty is 40%, inflation breaks records and the only one that wins is the Fund. A change is needed now”fired a fielder source before the query of LA NACION.

When is the President going to make the final decision, whose counterpart is the threat of breaking up? In less than ten days it will be decided yes or no, ensure high cabinet supplies. Several governors ask him why he doesn’t do it now with a view to 2023, others fear for governability and suggest subtle and consistent attrition, and a dwindling league of moderates privately go for a rapprochement even though they are wary of the queen’s gambit and propose a check to the queen. The same queen who paradoxically crowned him.

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