Alberto João Jardim defends early elections in Madeira

by time news


The former president of the Regional Government of Madeira defends the elections for the sake of coherence, even if he does not believe the most recent accusations against .

In an interview with RTPAlberto João Jardim states that “if I defended the elections in the case of António Costa, I defend elections now”, adding that “the PSD cannot be afraid of the popular vote”.

The historic Madeiran president also says not believe the accusations which fall on Miguel Albuquerque, Pedro Calado and Avelino Farinha, for the friendship he has for them.

“For me, friendship is sacred and leads me not to believe anything that happened unless there is a res judicata, with all options for appeal having been exhausted, including to the European court.”

João Jardim also accuses the CDS of playing games with parties, by asking for Albuquerque’s immediate dismissal. “It’s a Judas kiss“, he considered.

Jardim claims he is not afraid of being accused, he says he has never had businesspeople offer him anything, but he has had dinner with several. “Dinner is not a crime, as far as I know. Because I’m also interested in hearing the opinion of businesspeople.”

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