Album promo shoot at Minnaram location, MG with rare video. Shrikumar

by time news

Mohanlal, Shobhana, Thilakan and Venu Nagavalli share their Onam memories along with parts of the song in the promo.

From Tankathoni Music Album Promo Video | Photo: Screengrab

Not only the old movies of their favorite actors, but also their previous interviews and stage shows they have participated in, why fans take up even their wedding videos. A video that can be included in this category is now going viral. Singer M.G. has shared a video from a movie shooting set. Sreekumar.

This is the promo video of the music album Thankathoni which was released 28 years ago. This has been captured on the shooting set of Mohanlal-Priyadarshan’s film Minnaram. Mohanlal, Shobhana, Thilakan and Venu Nagavalli share their Onam memories along with parts of the song in the promo.

‘An Onam cassette promo from years ago. How fast time flies. A crore of prayers to all those who have loved me since then till now. MG posted a video saying ‘You are my strength’. Sreekumar posted on Facebook.

Bichu Tirumala and Girish Puthanchery were the lyricists. M.G. Radhakrishnan and Kumar composed the music. The singers were MG Sreekumar and Sujatha Mohan.

Content Highlights: thankathoni album promo shoot in minnaram movie location, mohanlal and shobana, mg sreekumar

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