Albuquerque Woman Arrested for Murder of Husband After Escalating Domestic Dispute

by time news

Albuquerque Woman Arrested for Murder of Husband Following Altercation and Deadly Shooting

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — A woman was taken into custody on Thursday by the Albuquerque police, charged with the murder of her husband. Erica Valdez has been accused of fatally shooting her spouse, Joel Valdez, following a series of heated arguments and a violent altercation between the couple.

According to authorities, the Valdezes had been engaged in several disputes over the past few months. However, tensions reached a boiling point in the previous week as both Erica and Joel accused each other of engaging in extramarital affairs.

The situation escalated on the Fourth of July when Joel confronted Erica and another man at a local motel. Reportedly, the man brandished a handgun at Joel in response to the confrontation. In a perplexing turn of events, Erica also appeared at the motel’s doorway, armed with her own handgun, before Joel decided to leave the premises.

Later that evening, at approximately 10 p.m., Erica arrived at their shared residence and allegedly pointed a gun directly at Joel’s chest. Surveillance footage captured Erica leaving the house shortly afterward, as a volley of automatic gunfire erupted in the vicinity. Subsequent investigations revealed bullet damage at the residence. Furthermore, a relative informed the police that Erica had called them, confessing, “I just sprayed the house.”

Disturbingly, a 911 call was placed from the Valdez home during the confrontation. The call-taker reportedly heard a female voice threatening the male, declaring her intention to shoot him. The altercation continued with the female perpetrator warning, “You better get that female out of the house before I shoot her.”

Although officers responded to the scene, they were unable to locate anyone at the residence at the time.

Surveillance cameras captured a similar vehicle returning to the area around 11 p.m., where another verbal altercation ensued. Moments after the car departed, another burst of automatic gunfire resonated in the vicinity.

Distraught family members, having learned of Erica’s shooting spree at the house, subsequently embarked on a search for Joel. They stumbled upon his car with the door left ajar and noticed a dark sedan, presumably belonging to Erica, executing a U-turn before speeding away. Tragically, they discovered Joel’s lifeless body lying next to his car. Upon arrival, first responders confirmed that Joel had succumbed to a gunshot wound.

Following an intensive investigation, APD detectives apprehended Erica Valdez on Thursday afternoon. She is currently facing charges that include murder, shooting at or from a motor vehicle, shooting at a dwelling or occupied building, as well as aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Erica is expected to be booked into the Metropolitan Detention Center.

This disturbing case serves as a grim reminder of the consequences that can arise from escalating domestic disputes. The Albuquerque Police Department is urging individuals involved in tense relationships to seek professional guidance and support to prevent tragic outcomes like this from reoccurring.

For more information and updates on this case, please visit the Albuquerque Police Department website.

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