Alcaraz in Argentina. The first training session, Luis Miguel’s room and the bodyguard of many famous people

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The Spanish Carlos Alcarazthe wonder boy of tennis, current number 2 in the world ranking, is already installed in Buenos Aires to compete – and try to defend the title – in the Argentina Openthe second of the four ATP events of the South American tour on clay (last night, with the Córdoba Open, the first of the Golden Tour tournaments ended, with the conquest of Luciano Darderi against Facundo Bagnis).

Accompanied by six people, among whom are his father (Carlos), one of his brothers (Álvaro), his coach Juan Carlos Mosquito Ferrero (he was not at the Australian Open as he was recovering from knee surgery) and his physical trainer Alberto Lledó, the 20-year-old from Murcia did his first rehearsal this Sunday afternoon, on one of the auxiliary courts. of the Buenos Aires Lawn Tennis Club. He was scheduled to train in the central court, but when the last qualifying match in the central stadium was delayed (Camilo Ugo Carabelli defeated the Bolivian Hugo Dellien and entered the main draw), plans were changed.

Carlos Alcaraz and his first test at the ATP in Buenos AiresArgentina Open

“How are we? All good, all good. Happy to be back here”said Alcaraz, warmly, during the afternoon, when getting off a van in which the delegation of the two-time Grand Slam champion (US Open 2022 and Wimbledon 2023) is traveling. One of the people who makes up the team during these Buenos Aires days, as happened last year during Alcaraz’s first visit to Buenos Aires, is the bodyguard Evaristo Sanguinetti.

Senior technician in urban and port security, is the stamp de Carlitos: he is constantly at your disposal and is also a source of consultation for the team when choosing which restaurant or tourist site to visit. During his professional life, Sanguinetti was the custodian of figures such as Madonna, the Rolling Stones, Diego Maradona, Usain Bolt and Antonio Banderas. And he also accompanied tennis legends like Roger Federer (when the Swiss played exhibitions in Argentina) and Rafael Nadal, when the Spaniard competed in the ATP in Buenos Aires.

Carlitos Alcaraz, world number 1 for 36 weeks in the period 2022-2023, is staying in a traditional hotel in the Retiro neighborhood. And he is assigned one of the best rooms in the building, one that several artists and famous people have been able to use, such as the singer Luis Miguel during his stays in Buenos Aires.

Ferrero, former world number 1 and winner of Roland Garros 2003, is one of the most trusted people in Alcaraz and today he is celebrating his 44th birthday in a city where he knew how to win the trophy (in 2010 he won the Buenos Aires ATP, defeating to David Ferrer in the final).

Carlos Alcaraz, in February 2023, with a cover of LA NACION, in which he was the protagonist
Carlos Alcaraz, in February 2023, with a cover of LA NACION, in which he was the protagonistSantiago Filipuzzi – LA NACION

As the first seed of the Argentina Open, Alcaraz is exempt from playing in the first round and will debut directly in the round of 8. His presentation is scheduled to take place on Thursday night, against the winner of the match between Peruvian Juan Pablo Varillas (85°) and Ugo Carabelli (134°). The Argentine public is already looking forward to watching one of the best tennis players in the world.

"The fear you feel in skiing is different from that in tennis"

Jannik Sinner, with LA NACION. “The fear you feel in skiing is different from that in tennis”

Darderi finished an unforgettable week in the best way: champion of the Córdoba Open

From qualy to title. Darderi finished an unforgettable week in the best way: champion of the Córdoba Open

The Buenos Aires ATP starts with Alcaraz, Wawrinka and the best Argentines: the first crossings

Figure show. The Buenos Aires ATP starts with Alcaraz, Wawrinka and the best Argentines: the first crossings

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