Alckmin defends the application of the law in cases of invasion of private lands

by time news

2023-05-16 23:03:39

Vice-president was received by members of the FPA and preached the conciliation of agendas

In a meeting with the Agricultural Parliamentary Front (FPA), this Tuesday (16), the Vice President of the Republic and Minister of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services, Geraldo Alckmin (PSB), highlighted that he is against the invasion of private and productive lands and said he believed in the convergence of interests of the agricultural sector and the development of agrarian reform in the country.

The vice-president was emphatic when he spoke of illegally invaded lands. “Invasion cannot be tolerated by anyone. Invaded, must clear, comply with the law. Total respect for private property,” defended Alckmin.

More than 80 parliamentarians, members of the bench, participated in the meeting. Deputies and senators highlighted that the blockage that has hindered the understanding of the sector with the government is the ideological position – mainly, related to the right to property.

“This distances us, it generates a very serious point of concern, and it is what we are trying to temporize in relation to some attitudes such as that of President Lula who cursed representatives of the agro as a fascist. This greatly hinders dialogue and building bridges,” said FPA president Pedro Lupion (PP-PR).

Pedro Lupion also highlighted the importance of the debate on the PL of the Temporal Framework for the demarcation of indigenous lands. “We talked a lot about PL 490, and we already have the support of 300 parliamentarians. We are not just talking about invasion, we are talking about making production unviable in a sector that occupies a large part of the national territory.”

Deputy Arnaldo Jardim (Cidadania-SP), highlighted that a climate of dispute within the agro, the small against the big, is dangerous. “Agribusiness needs an integrated vision for us to advance more and more in adding value to our exports,” he said.

In response, Alckmin pointed out that Brazil has the most competitive agriculture in the world and, according to him, for the sector to continue advancing, it is necessary to be aware of protectionism and dialogue. “Brazilian agriculture generates wealth, employment, income and trade balance. Everyone wants to defend their side, ”he explained.

The vice president also reinforced that the way out to improve the Brazil cost is to integrate the public sector with the private sector. “Brazil is the fifth largest country in the world, we need to integrate logistics to continue advancing.”

“Who pulls this country today is here, the agro. We are for dialogue, understanding and construction and I am sure it will not be different in the FPA,” highlighted Senator Zequinha Marinho (PL-PA).

Tax system

Regarding the fiscal framework, the former president of the FPA Deputy Sérgio Souza (MDB-PR) highlighted the size of the agricultural sector, “responsible for 25% of the Brazilian GDP”. The deputy questioned the importance given by the government to the Brazilian agro. “The fiscal framework does not have a comma that serves this sector, but it has a lot to serve the other sectors, is it that our sector is not important for the government and for the economy?”.

Finally, Deputy Maurício do Vôlei (PL-MG), stressed the importance of dialogue between the agro and the government. “We hope that you will be our interlocutor, Mr. Vice President. We want to be able to give a response to our voters, that this very important sector maintains the level it has always had.”

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