Alcohol lovers be warned …! Risk of affecting mental health? New study reveals fact …

by time news

Chennai, First Published Jun 2, 2022, 2:20 PM IST

Researchers in the Netherlands and Australia have found that mental health is affected by alcohol and smoking.

Researchers have found that alcohol causes mental health problems

Alcohol in general causes various harms to our body. Alcohol in general causes severe damage to one’s liver and is a major cause of many health problems.

Let’s look at the 5 main effects of alcohol on the body.

1. Being addicted to alcohol carries the risk of causing serious heart problems.

2. When alcohol enters the stomach, the intestines become infected and gastritis occurs and ulcers occur in the intestines. Leads to cancer of the mouth, throat and esophagus.

Researchers have found that alcohol causes mental health problems

3. Infectious diseases are not easily cured due to the weakened immune system of the drinkers.

4. Drinking alcohol can damage the liver and cause cirrhosis. It then causes liver cancer.

5. In addition, Korsakoff’s Syndrome can lead to brain damage. It is important to realize that elixir poisoning in excess also applies to alcohol.

Impairment of mental health due to alcohol consumption:

Recent researchers in the Netherlands and Australia have found that alcohol and smoking can affect mental health. In particular, alcohol causes the amygdala and hippocampus in the brain to contract. On the whole, researchers say that the combination of both heavy drinking and smoking can lead to reduced brain function and worsen mental health.

Researchers have found that alcohol causes mental health problems

Therefore, alcoholism is not just a physical problem. Is a psychological, social problem. Therefore it is necessary to approach them psychologically to cure. In that sense, homeopathic medicines are one of the primary remedies for alcohol-induced ailments and psychological stimuli in the body.

Read more …. Men and women, do not do this anymore … Shocking new study … Warning medical experts ..

Last Updated Jun 2, 2022, 2:20 PM IST


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