Alcolumbre discusses appointments of sponsored members with the government – 06/06/2023 – Poder

by time news

1970-01-01 02:00:00

President of the CCJ (Constitution and Justice Commission) of the Senate, Davi Alcolumbre (União Brasil-AP) was last week at the Planalto Palace for a meeting with President Lula (PT). On the agenda were Lula’s interests in the Legislative and also those of the senator in the Planalto.

According to the president’s collaborators, Lula and Alcolumbre talked about the environment that the new nominee for the STF (Federal Supreme Court), lawyer Cristiano Zanin, will find in the CCJ’s sabbath.

On May 31, Lula informed senators of his decision to nominate his lawyer and friend to Ricardo Lewandowski’s seat on the Supreme Court. The meeting between Lula and Alcolumbre took place the following day — there is still no announced date for Zanin’s interview at the CCJ.

Before the meeting with the president, Alcolumbre presented the Minister of Institutional Relations, Alexandre Padilha, with a list of nominations that he claims in Amapá.

Still according to Lula’s collaborators, Alcolumbre presented nominations for positions in the Dnit (National Department of Transport Infrastructure), Banco da Amazônia, Suframa (Superintendence of the Manaus Free Trade Zone) and SPU (Secretary of the Union’s Heritage).

He also defended the permanence of a godson at Codevasf (Companhia de Desenvolvimento dos Vales do São Francisco e do Parnaíba) and asked for a board of Caixa Econômica Federal.

Sought, Alcolumbre’s advisory denied that he had negotiated the nominations.

Alcolumbre —who is credited with the paternity of three ministries of União Brasil— will lead the session in which Zanin will have to face the senator and former judge of Lava Jato Sergio Moro (União Brasil-PR), responsible for the conviction in the 1st instance that landed Lula in prison.

The senator has claimed that Zanin should not face difficulties to be approved and that he intends to speed up the sabbath – unlike what he did in 2021 with Jair Bolsonaro (PL), when he held Minister André Mendonça’s session at the CCJ for five months.

Before last week’s conversation, the senator had already been sending messages to Lula.

On the eve of the installation of the CPI on January 8th, the senator warned Lula’s interlocutors that he would not only fail to vote for the name chosen by the government for the commission’s presidency, but would also cede his vacancy to Moro.

Without the guarantee of the votes of the União Brasil, the government had to support the federal deputy Arthur Maia (União Brasil-BA), candidate of the president of the Chamber, Arthur Lira (PP-AL).

The Planalto Palace preferred that the command of the commission rest with senators Eduardo Braga (AM), leader of the MDB, or Renan Calheiros (MDB-AL).

Faced with the message that Maia would win the presidency, the two senators gave up participating in the CPI and brought Lula an overview of the problems of political articulation in Congress.

Alcolumbre has also told interlocutors that he intends to deal directly with Lula about the impasse between the Ministry of the Environment and Petrobras over oil exploration in Foz do Amazonas.

After Ibama’s veto, the senator from Amapá stated that the decision was “unacceptable” and that he “would work in Brasilia” to provide development conditions for the state and the Amazon region.

As the Panel column of the SheetAlcolumbre says he was especially irritated because Ibama made the decision without hearing the state legislators and did not inform them of the final opinion.

Alcolumbre’s advisory denied that he will leave the 8/1 CPI to nominate Moro — who occupies one of the two alternate vacancies to which União Brasil is entitled in the Senate.

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