Alegría minimizes Feijóo’s rise in the polls and says that the leading voice in the PP is Ayuso’s

by time news

The Minister of Education and spokesperson for the PSOE, Pilar Alegría, has downplayed the Feijóo effect in the polls, recalling that it also Pablo Casado went home with some who gave him president and “today it is not known where he is”.

In fact, he rejects that the PSOE has a “line of attack” to counteract the president of the PP in the results that the polls are giving him because, he assures, the Government is focused on “protecting citizens” while he believes that the PP only has “empathy” with 5% of the country, the small percentage of the powerful.

In addition, Alegría considers that the singing voice in the PP is that of Isabel Díaz Ayuso, noting that the position of the Madrid president on educational matters and on the royal decree on energy saving makes “quite clear” that it is Ayuso “who sets the ideology” in his party.

[Ayuso recurrirá ante el Tribunal Constitucional el decreto de ahorro energético del Gobierno]

“I think that the PP first lost the sense of State and now it is losing common sense. What we find ourselves in front of is a cage of crickets, which is the PP, where we do not know who draws the line, if Feijóo or Ayuso”, he said in an interview with Europa Press. “In addition”, the minister specified, “I would ask Feijóo to study a little more because that way he gets a little less confused. The energy saving decree that he has branded as authoritarian is almost the same as the one he began to deploy in the Xunta, with the difference of one degree “.

Pilar Alegría affirms that the Government and the Socialists have as their main priority to reduce the high inflation that Spain is experiencing and that it is not only a problem of this country. And in that goal “bend the curve” of the CPI will continue to apply measureshe claims, to “protect the middle and working classes.”

The Minister of Education responds in this way when asked how they plan to counteract the Feijóo effect in the polls. According to her, the PSOE does not have a “line of attack” in this sense and, in fact, minimizes the good results given by some polls to the new president of the PP.

“I’m sure that Mr. Casado took many surveys home in his pocket they gave him as president of this country. And today we no longer know where anyone is”, she exclaims. The minister clarifies that the surveys can take a picture of a situation or of a “temporary or momentary state of mind, but the surveys and the state of mind itself, as we have also been able to verify during all this time, it is changing and fluctuating.

Eternal legislature for the PP

In fact, he considers that what remains of the Legislature “it will be eternal” to the PP and also points out that there are still many months left for the regional and municipal elections. In this sense, he assures: “When the elections get closer, well, we will put ourselves in that electoral mode that we adopt the political parties.” Also adding that when the PSOE is “united and motivated” it is “unstoppable.”

However, the recently appointed spokesperson for the Federal Executive Commission of the PSOE admits that the changes that have taken place in the party during the month of July -with the departure of Adriana Lastra, who was replaced by María Jesús Montero, and her own appointment – “they attend above all to face this new stage or this new season to use a more sporty term, which we start right now until that year 2023, which is going to be the electoral year”.

[Moreno discrepa de Ayuso: prioriza el ahorro energético y se da 3 meses para ver si recurre al TC]

In addition, he points out that the objective is for them to continue explaining what the Government is doing “with the greatest simplicity and the greatest pedagogy” of which they are capable. To this is added the decision to be “absolutely forceful”, as he points out, with the “misrepresentations” that the PP is displaying in most of the issues.

Government Remodeling

What is not included is whether after the summer there can be a remodeling of the Executive, just as it has occurred in the party: “I am not the one who has to answer that question. As you know, it is the President of the Government to who confers that possibility of appointing and changing the Executive”, he adds, before emphasizing that this Government is focused on helping the middle and working classes who are suffering from Putin’s “unjust war on Ukraine”.

The Minister of Education does not spare criticism against the PP for not having supported any of the measures adopted by the Government before with the pandemic and now due to the consequences of the war in Ukraine. In fact, she considers that the president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo only has “empathy” with the small percentage of the “powerful” of this country which stands at 5 percent.

He uses this term in line with Feijóo’s statement that the PP has lacked empathy in Catalonia, where he believes that he needs to have more support if they want to govern in Spain. Pilar Alegría finds it “curious” that the ‘popular’ leader recognizes this and adds that “the truth” is that not only have they lacked “empathy in Catalonia”, but also in “Euskadi, where the representation of the Popular Party is practically minimum”.

“I would like that recognition of the lack of empathy that Mr. Feijóo made would also do it for the lack of empathy that is showing with the middle classes and the working classes of this country,” exclaims the minister, who reproaches the popular for not having supported the labor reform, which was endorsed by the unions and employers, the rise in the SMI or the reduction in VAT on electricity. “The The PP’s response has always been the same, no for no’s sake”, he concludes.

Yolanda Diaz

As for the project that has been launched by the second vice president of the Government, Yolanda Díaz, and her decision not to run for municipal and regional elections, she assures that she is very respectful of the decisions of other parties.

Thus, when asked how this decision will affect the PSOE and possible pacts, Alegría limits herself to saying that the Sumar project “is positive” if the objective is “mobilize the progressive electorate”. “Anything that involves mobilizing the progressive electorate is welcome,” she stresses.

But also remember that the PSOE has been and is the majority party in our country at the central level during many general elections and in the different Autonomous Communities, which is why, he specifies, “we always aspire to obtain majority support from the citizens.” And he adds that from these elections, when the polls open, they will see if they can “govern alone as in Castilla-La Mancha, Extremadura, or in other municipalities”, or they will have to reach agreements with some parties.

As to whether in the future she would see Yolanda Díaz in the PSOE, the Minister of Education assures that it is not up to her to say so because the now vice president would have to appear in the primaries. “Everything that has to do with the electoral lists we do through some primaries chosen by our militants and supporters“, he argues.

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