Alekséi Navalni, punished and “repunished” by the Russian regime

by time news

The last thing that was known about the Russian opponent Alexei Navalny dates back to February, when it was announced that he would spend the next six months in a isolation cell harder still. In that place she would remain completely alone during this time and would have totally No visitors of any kind. And although the most recent news related to him was the Oscar who received his documentary last Sunday, to this day the reaction of the protagonist is still unknown.

Just when, at the beginning of February, the new conditions were announced, through his Twitter account his collaborators exposed this harsh reality. “No visitors are allowed there. This means more than a year without visitors. Even the maniacs and serial killers sentenced to life imprisonment have the right to receive a visitbut not me”, read the message. Previously, he had criticized and condemned the war of Ukraine through their collaborators in social networks.

The last part of his tortuous path began in 2020, when he was carrying out different activities and meetings to prepare some electoral strategies aimed at ‘scratching’ power to the party of the Russian president. Vladimir Putin, United Russia. When he was returning to Moscow from Siberia, where he met like-minded people, he was poisoned with a nerve agent that was to about to end his life. According to the investigations of his own team, they would have put the poison in her underwear. It took effect in mid-flight and thanks to the fact that the pilot made a emergency landing, could survive.

Recovery and return to Russia

He remained in a coma for several days, until the Russian government allowed a medicalized plane I will transfer you to berlin. There, the doctors pointed out that the toxin used against him was Novichoka potent poison soviet brewing that betrays a Russian authorship, something that from the power has been denied despite the evidence. The same Russian authorities have admitted to following Navalni’s activities in exhaustively, due to “his intentions to overthrow the Government and his connections with foreign agencies.” After a few weeks of recuperation in Germany, he was required to return to Russia to serve a sentence a year and a half that she had on suspension for the Yves Rocher case, in which she was accused of fraud and money laundering. The European Court of Human Rights pointed it out as a politically motivated trial.

While still in prison serving his first sentence, he was tried again in February 2022 – before the start of the Russian offensive in Ukraine – for fraud. He was accused of having kept donations for his Anti-Corruption Foundation. The same organization was outlawed for “extremism” in 2021, being at the same level as the Islamic State or Al Qaeda. The accusation began by speaking of 300,000 affected, although it was finally they were in four. In this new trial they sentenced him to nine more years in jailsomething criticized by NGOs such as Amnesty Internationalwho called the trial “farce“.

fight putin

They are personal crusade against corruption began in 2011. In that year, he founded the Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK, for its acronym in Russian), an NGO that investigated corruption within the Eurasian country at different levels. However, she became famous for being one of the most active voices during the protests that same year. The Russians at that time were demonstrating against corruption and against the government. She did not stop there, she wanted to introduce herself to the presidential to dispute the same putin his position as president of Russia in 2018something that he could not even try when he was disabled for having cases suspended by Russian justice.

In parallel to purely political activities such as trying to dispute seats with the ruling party, the FBK has investigated the corruption of great names of Russian politics, something that has spread openly on YouTube and other channels. Among those indicated, are the former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev or the mayor of Moscow, Sergei Sobyanin. However, the most important investigation was the one that denounced the existence of the so-called “putin palace“, which managed to reach a whopping 126 million views, a huge number considering that 146 million people live in Russia.

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Navalni has always been someone with few mince words when talking about policy, even before being known. At the beginning of the millennium he starred in some videos in which criticized to immigrants from Central Asia and the Caucasus, even going so far as to use words like “cockroaches.” Although these types of messages left years agohe never publicly apologized for making them, something that has haunted him and that has been used by his critics.

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