Alerts: A dramatic decision in the ‘Orthodox community’, who will be elected to the Gabod

by time news

The members of the board of the ‘Eda Haredi’ will vote this evening on the election of a new Gabbad for the ‘Eda’ in place of the previous Gabbad the Gaon Rabbi Yitzchak Tovia Weiss zt’l who passed away about a month ago. Board members. And what happens if there is a tie? All the details

Record vigilance in the ‘Eda Haredi’ in Jerusalem on the occasion of the appointment of a new Rabbi: The members of the management of the ‘Eda Haredi’ in Jerusalem are expected to gather this evening (Monday) to vote on the appointment of a new Rabbi for the ‘Haredi Congregation’ after the departure of Rabbi Yitzhak Tovia Weiss zt’al about a month ago.

At first, as reported in ‘Ba Hadari Haredim’, it was said that the members would gather immediately after the Sha’vi after no one was crowned Gabod at the funeral, but finally it was decided that there would be a yeshiva after the times and the yeshiva was postponed to the beginning of the time of Elul, so all the members are also in the area.

There are 40 members in the management of the ‘Orthodox community’ who will vote for the election of the Gabbad in a secret ballot, meaning that if there are 21 members in favor and 19 against then the proposal is passed or alternatively 21 against and 19 in favor or in a tie 20 20 the proposal falls.

Peak vigilance among the ultra-Orthodox community as to whether the arbiter of the Gaon generation Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch, who serves as Rabbi, will be elected in addition to Rabbi, if the proposal is not accepted in the secret elections, the names of other candidates who are on the table will be put forward.

According to the information received by ‘Bahaderi Haredim’, the meeting of the board members will take place tonight in the Zupnik building – the offices of the ultra-Orthodox community in Jerusalem at 20:00.

It is not at all clear what the result will be, because there are all kinds of communities in the ultra-orthodox community who have not chosen a side and have not received from their rebbe to whom they belong an instruction on what to choose.

‘Bahaderi Haredim’ learned that there were many rumors regarding the support of the Rebbe Mahari of Satmar, but the rumors are not true at all, according to senior officials in the Hasidic court who spoke with ‘Bahaderi Haredim’ any decision made at the board meeting of the ‘Orthodox community’ will be acceptable to The Rebbe of Satmar.

The last time a vote was held in the ‘Ada Haredi’ it was 19 years ago, when they brought in Rabbi HaGri’t Weiss, before him at the time was the great candidate Rabbi Yisrael Chaim Menashe Friedman, Rabbi Satmer, the result of the election was a tie And his candidacy fell through and in his place came Rabbi Weiss.

It will be interesting to follow the results in the elections that will affect the old ultra-Orthodox community.

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