Alessandro Borghese: “Do you listen to TV? Here are my 3 ‘secret’ ingredients ….”

by time news

Alessandro Borghese is back on TV8 with Celebrity Chef

The televised return of Alessandro Borghese is with a whole new challenge: Celebrity Chef which will air on TV8 (it starts on May 2nd: from Monday to Friday at 20.30).

Alessandro Borghese: you listen to TV, Easter menus and the next challenges. The interview

Can you reveal your 3 secret ingredients to cook successes on the very hot stoves … of the Auditel?

“Being yourself, transparency and the way to communicate .. empathy! The second is food. Everyone loves it and communicating it is a source of joy for me. Cooking is an act of love and I think viewers appreciate this. . And then the enthusiasm that is needed in life. With a pinch of healthy madness “

Easter according to Borghese. Let’s sit at the table together: two trendy dishes that cannot be missing this year on the tables of Italians between tradition and innovation

“A nice lamb offal and vignarola, a fresh dish with broad beans, peas, artichokes, lettuce. A spring dish that heralds the good season. These are the two dishes at Easter they cannot miss”

And what is the recommended Easter dove for 2022?

“This Easter 2022 must start with Alessandro Borghese’s Colomba speziale which this year I proposed in two versions: the classic one and the rosemary, apricot and black pepper one.

Let’s close with a look to the future: after Celebrity Chef and waiting for the return of Alessandro Borghese 4 Restaurants, what will be your next challenge in this 2022?

“I have two new openings to make. Will that be the challenge?”

Alessandro Borghese, watch the video interview with

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