Alexandra, eliminated from “Koh-Lanta”: “I hope I can take my revenge”

by time news

It took two votes and a draw in “Koh-Lanta: the cursed totem” to eliminate Alexandra, 35, director of a media group in Martinique. But it is a weakened mother, tears in her eyes for fear of disappointing her children, who left the TF 1 adventure game this Tuesday evening.

We felt a lot of emotion in you at the start of the Council, even before the votes. Why were you so convinced that you were in danger?

ALEXANDRA. We all thought Setha had an immunity collar, so I knew it was going to be played out between her and me, that she would take it out and that I would pay the price. I was so convinced of it that I lacked lucidity. I did not prepare this Council, I did not look for a door to try to get out of it. With hindsight, I should have told my allies that we were all voting against Yannick, who already had two black bracelets. It’s always easier to rewrite history afterwards.

You then say that you have the impression of being a “loser mother”, these are very strong words…

I ticked a lot of boxes for this adventure: the box of survival, the box of sport, that of tenacity. And, therefore, my children and my relatives had put a lot of hope in me. So leaving before reunification was, in my mind, not what they were expecting. It’s never easy for a mother to imagine seeing the disappointment in the eyes of her children.

It still took two votes and a draw to eliminate you. Are you surprised at this moment?

Yes, when I see that we have four voices each, I tell myself that there is a small chance that it will pass, because I get along well with Bastien. But I don’t know that Setha had anticipated the situation by making her promise not to vote against her. If I had been smarter, I would have seen it. Once again, obsessed with this necklace story, I conditioned myself to leave. This is the biggest mistake you should never make in Koh-Lanta. Never take things for granted, always fight to the end. It’s a lesson for life: nothing is ever lost.

What do you want to tell us about your three favourites: Colin, Anne-Sophie and Olga?

In this game, it is very difficult to trust others. However, at one point, we all managed to look at each other and know that there was a friendship and a hyperhealthy relationship between us. This is extremely important because, in Koh-Lanta, we are a little alone and abandoned to ourselves. Failing to win the game, I won these three friends.

In what state of mind do you watch the broadcast on television when you already know when and how it ends for you?

The first episode was the hardest to watch. Because I win, I feel good. I immersed myself in all the hopes I had at the beginning of the adventure. It ends too soon for me, but I hope I can get my revenge.

What do you retain from this adventure, ultimately, is it all the same the surpassing of oneself?

For the moment, I feel a little more frustration but with time, hindsight, I will surely be able to perceive it more like this. Quite honestly, if you had told me before leaving that I was going to last so many days eating bits of coconut, I would never have believed you. And that’s really thanks to motivation, tenacity, mentality, desire.

You who work in a media group, do you pay attention to comments on social networks and to what people say about you?

We are prepared for it, to protect ourselves from it. I often detach myself from the gaze of others and I told myself that all this was going to slip away. But, of course, after a while it’s not very pleasant. After, I had made the choice not to be in the calculation of my image, I was aware that everything could be criticized, interpreted differently, so I chose to be myself. And everyone who looked at me said to me: It’s you ! You’ve seen the Alexandra without everyday filters. Without calculations.

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