Alexandra Joner new presenter for Love Island Norway

by time news

Love Island Norway is soon back on the screen. Morten Hegseth was once again to be presenter, but in a post on his own Instagram profile, he says that he is resigning.

– This is not an easy thing to write, so I’ll get straight to the point: I have chosen to resign as presenter on Love Island, and the reason is complex. The common denominator is that it has become too much – and now I will spend time calming down and making good choices. This is one of them, he writes.

– I have run too fast and in addition made some stupid and ill-thought-out decisions for which I have deservedly been scolded. At the same time, it has been storming from all sides for a long time. Be that way because of their own idiocy or predictable pressure linked to television exposure. This is why I am dropping this round of dating in the southern sun. Instead, there will be therapy, some important roofs and walks in the forest in minus 20.

Alexandra Joner takes over the role of presenter for Hegseth.

Now it’s over

Need to speak up

Hegseth adds that there are bigger problems in the world.

– Tired and fallible celebrities who have to take some action and look at themselves in the mirror is not one of them. In no way. But when my work is so visible, it is natural to speak up, he writes further.

In conclusion, Hegseth chooses to wish the new host of Love Island the best of luck, and he promises to watch, cry and laugh from the sofa.

“I’m looking forward to getting lots of tips along the way,” replies Alexandra Joner Hegseth on Instagram.

“I can hardly believe it. Absolutely sick and incredibly gorgeous,” she writes, to tributes from the comment section.

“You are absolutely perfect for the role”, comments Wanda Mashadi.

“Great mother, this is tailor-made for you,” writes Espen Hilton.

Carina Dahl congratulates the new presenter with a heart emoji, Triana Iglesias sends flames and hearts, and Harlem Alexander writes:
“Wow, this is going to be so cool! Congratulations!”

FULL ARGUMENT: Bahare Viken and Cristian Brennhovd were invited to resolve the conflict. Video: Thea Hope/ Red Runner Show more

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