Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and 16 Democrats arrested in abortion rights protest

by time news

Their coup fizzled out. Seventeen US lawmakers, including rising left-wing star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, were arrested in Washington on Tuesday following a protest in support of abortion rights, police said. “We have arrested a total of 35 people” including “17 members of Congress” because after three summons, “some of the demonstrators (refused) to leave the street” located between the Capitol and the Supreme Court, tweeted the Capitol police.

The elected democrat Ilhan Omar wrote on the social network to have been arrested during a “civil disobedience action”. “I will do everything I can to sound the alarm about the assault on our reproductive rights,” added the one who is a member of the left wing of the Democratic Party, like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

PV of 50 dollars

A video posted to the latter’s Twitter account, dubbed AOC, shows her being escorted by a police officer off the street facing the Supreme Court building. In the end, the case seems to have resulted in a PV of 50 dollars, according to a photo published by the chosen one on an Instagram story. According to the American media Axios, the 17 arrested parliamentarians, members of the House of Representatives, are all Democrats and mainly women.

It was on this same street, in the heart of the federal capital and located between the Capitol and the Supreme Court, that thousands of people gathered in the hours and days following the historic decision of the High Court, the June 24, to protest against a historic “return to the past”.

The latter dynamited at the end of June the constitutional right to abortion in the United States, returning to each State the right to prohibit it and causing a political tsunami. Democrats and President Joe Biden are seeking to mobilize their electorate around this theme in view of the midterm elections scheduled for November.

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