Alfonso Rueda travels to Panama, Mexico and Venezuela in search of economic alliances

by time news

The president of the Xunta, Alfonso Rueda, in Parliament this Wednesday. PACO RODRIGUEZ

It is the second time that the president of the Xunta visits America; in October he made another five-day tour of Argentina and Uruguay

12 abr 2023 . Updated at 9:42 p.m.

The president of the Xunta, Alfonso Rueda, begins a five-day tour this Thursday that will take him to Panama, Mexico and Venezuela. The objective of the trip, Galician government sources said, is to “strengthen institutional and economic alliances”, taking advantage of Galicia’s strategic situation as a bridge between Europe and America.

At his first stop, Rueda will meet with the president of Panama, Laurentino Cortizo. Afterwards, she will visit the great canal, where some 12,000 Galicians worked. There she will attend an act in memory of those workers, to whom she will honor with a monument.

On Friday he will be in Venezuela, where he will meet with representatives of emigrant associations and will visit facilities that offer different services to the Galician diaspora. He will also attend a cultural event.

Lastly, the president will travel to Mexico, where he will spend two days and will meet with Mexican, Galician and different parts of Spain businessmen. This last part of the tour, of a marked economic nature, will also include meetings with investors from the Aztec country.

Rueda will also meet in Mexico with representatives of the Galician community and will go to various cultural events.

The BNG tour and the substitute

The one of these days is the second trip of the president to America, since in October he made another five-day tour of Argentina and Uruguay. In his absence, the first vice president, Francisco Conde, will preside over the Xunta council today.

Also these days, between tomorrow and Sunday, the BNG spokeswoman, Ana Pontón, will travel abroad, visiting Galicians residing in the Swiss cities of Geneva, Zurich and Basel.

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