Ali Bongo on his way to a new round

by time news

2023-08-26 07:13:07

“Ali Bongo is sure to be named winner by the Constitutional Courtassures Marc Ona Essangui, president of the NGO Tournons la page. He has little chance of winning the election at the polls. On the other hand, his clan has the means to modify the results in his favor. » In other words, to rig the election, according to this opponent. In line with his father, Omar Bongo, in power between 1967 and 2009, Ali Bongo’s presidential victories since his first, in 2009, are all highly doubtful. During the 2016 presidential election, the European Union itself estimated that « the official results (…) lack transparency and are extremely dubious”.

A vote behind closed doors

All the institutions are in the hands of the Bongo clan: from the electoral commission to the Court of Cassation. Moreover, this election, unlike previous ones, will take place without international observers. “It’s a ballot behind closed doors, away from independent eyes, note Marc Ona. MEven the journalists of the international press have not received their accreditations at this time. » Anticipating these restrictions and these manipulations, the opponent Jean Ping gave up running for this election. « I can’t be a candidate in an election that is loaded in advance», he explained on July 13 on France 24 and RFI.

Ali Bongo’s record is very meager. Admittedly, his last seven years were marked by his stroke which occurred in 2018, by the Covid-19 epidemic and finally by the consequences of the war in Ukraine. But, underlines the Gabonese economist Mayis Mouissi, of the 105 promises of Ali Bongo’s program for the 2016 presidential election, the outgoing president only kept 13. “He had promised 700 nurseries: the Gabonese have not seen a single one! He had undertaken to create a civic service for 25,000 young people. Seven years later, civic service is still in the cards. »

A society at half mast

However, at the same time, unemployment and poverty have increased, affecting more than a third of the population. «Fourteen years after his first presidential victory, the country is in tatters, Judge Marc Ona. The whole country is affected, schools, universities, health, infrastructure. As soon as it rains, the roads are quagmires. In some neighborhoods of Libreville, there is not even running water. »

However, Gabon is the fourth largest oil producer in sub-Saharan Africa. And it has recorded strong economic growth over the past decade. As the World Bank summarizes, «despite its economic potential, the country struggles to translate its wealth of resources into sustainable and inclusive growth. » Added to this disastrous economic and social record for the Gabonese are a restriction of civic space and harassment of the opposition. « Since the presidential election of 2016, we have been able to count at least 864 arrests, 12 demonstrations banned or repressed, 13 newspapers suspended and 34 days of Internet blackouts”, note Let’s turn the page in a rapport published on August 21.

A united opposition

Several opposition candidates have united behind a single candidacy, that of Professor Albert Ondo Ossa. ” A respected academic, renowned for his rigor, his outspokenness and for not coming from the Bongo system, he knew how to create an immense enthusiasm around him. welcomes Mayis Mouissi. Especially among young people who have not lost hope of overthrowing a 56-year-old system.

#Ali #Bongo

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