“Alice” will be taught to pay for books – Vedomosti

by time news

A new option has appeared in the smart columns of Yandex with the voice assistant Alice – users can use voice commands to select audiobooks in the Liters library and pay for them by giving Alice an order, representatives of the search engine and e-book service told Vedomosti. To do this, you will need to give a voice command “Alice, buy this book” or “Pay” Liters “, after which a push notification will be sent to the user’s smartphone to confirm the payment, and then the book will become available for listening through a speaker or a mobile device, explain in” Yandex “.

In “Liters” they add that it is not necessary to have an account in the service, but if the user wants to listen through the column to books purchased earlier on the website or in the “Liters” application, he will need to be created: “You can always log in under the existing account, and that’s all purchases will be combined. ” The representative of Yandex notes that through Alisa it is possible to purchase about 140,000 audiobooks and podcasts on Liters.


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