All about meningitis and the importance of early detection

by time news

2023-06-01 09:10:33

The experts of the blog “Health and prevention” delve into meningitis, inflammation of the meninges or membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord, and highlight the importance of early detection.

Todo lo que debes saber sobre la meningitis y la importancia de la detección a tiempoPhoto provided by Quirónsalud

The cause of meningitis is a viral or bacterial infection in 80 percent of cases, although there are also parasitic or fungal infections, that is, caused by broad-spectrum parasites or fungi.

When the infection affects the brain itself it is called meningoencephalitis. Meningoencephalitis can occur at any age, although it is more frequent in children under 5 years of age and in adults.

According to data from the Spanish Meningitis AssociationIt is estimated that in Spain there are some 12,000 people affected each year. Of these, 2,000 would be bacterial meningitis and 10,000 viral. The World Health Organization estimates that meningitis affects 2,500,000 people each year.

So far, the bare data of the disease. The question is to stop at its consequences.

scars on the brain

“In this type of pathology, early diagnosis is very valuable. A diagnosis in the first hours of the onset of symptoms is crucial to avoid serious sequelae and irreversible brain damage,” says the doctor Antonio Miguel Carra, neurologist of the Hospital Quirónsalud Marbella.

Although the symptoms are not very precise, it does contain some alarming signs that may attract attention.

Sudden high fever, stiff neck, severe headache (unlike a normal headache), nausea or vomiting, confusion or trouble concentrating, seizures, drowsiness, lack of appetite or thirst, sensitivity to light, rash … are some of these signs and, faced with a group of them, it is important to go immediately to the reference health center.

The problem is that when inflammation of the meninges affects the brain, returning it to its state prior to infection is very difficult. There are almost always sequels.

According to Dr. Carra, they are like scars on the brain that can leave multiple consequences: aphasia -difficulty in speaking and reading-, sensorineural hearing loss -which is the deterioration of hearing due to damage to the inner ear or the auditory nerve that carries sound to the brain-, ringing in the ears, total loss of smell and taste, no feeling of hunger or thirst, sudden drops and rises in blood pressure, insomnia, severe headaches…

In short, a complex clinical picture that leads the patient to absolute incapacity and causes a resounding turn in his life.

meningitis detection
The neurologist Antonio Carra in his office at the Quirónsalud Hospital in Marbella. Photo courtesy of Quirónsalud.

Detection and treatment of meningitis

Fortunately, in recent decades, in countries like Spain, where vaccination against the main agents that can cause meningitis is widespread, the incidence of bacterial meningitis has been significantly reduced.

It has also helped to improve hygiene habits or healthier lifestyle habits, which strengthen our immune system.

“In the case of viral meningitis, in addition to having a better prognosis, they are up to twenty times more frequent during the first year of life and tend to decrease with age,” says the specialist.

To date, more than one hundred viruses capable of infecting the central nervous system have been identified, but enteroviruses are the leading cause of viral meningitis in Spain (77%), followed by varicella-zoster virus (10%) and viruses of herpes simplex (3%)”, explains Dr. Carra.

He diagnosis Meningitis is performed through a clinical evaluation, blood and cerebrospinal fluid tests, and imaging tests such as magnetic resonance imaging.

He treatment of meningoencephalitis depends on the underlying cause of the disease.

In the case of bacterial or fungal infections, antibiotics and antifungals are used respectively.

For viral infections, treatment may include antivirals and supportive care to relieve symptoms. In severe cases, they may require hospitalization in an intensive care unit.

the best way to prevent meningoencephalitis is systemic vaccination, hygiene measures as elementary as frequent and regular hand washing, covering the mouth when coughing or sneezing, and avoiding sharing food, drinks, or utensils with sick people.

Specific vaccination against diseases that can cause this condition, such as bacterial meningitis and Japanese encephalitis, is also recommended.

However, the specialist at the Quirónsalud Marbella Hospital insists, the best remedy against meningitis is its prevention.

#meningitis #importance #early #detection

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