All About Sinusitis: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

by time news

2023-12-19 11:45:00
Sinusitis: The Winter Malady

As the weather fluctuates and pollution levels rise, many people find themselves falling ill with a cough, runny nose, and feelings of heaviness in their head and face. However, these may not just be typical flu symptoms; they could actually be indicative of a more severe condition known as sinusitis.

Sinusitis is a condition where the air pockets around the nose, known as sinuses, become inflamed due to exposure to dust, germs, pollution, or toxins. This inflammation can cause symptoms such as a stuffy or runny nose, mucus in the throat, cough, pain in the face or head, and a decreased sense of smell. In some cases, people with sinusitis may even experience a bad smell coming from inside their nose.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Kawinyarat Chitrarun, a specialist in Otorhinology and Allergy at Wimut Hospital, explains that sinusitis is often mistaken for the flu due to their similar symptoms. However, acute sinusitis typically occurs after a cold or when flu symptoms suddenly worsen, causing pain in the face and the presence of green mucus.

Factors that can cause sinusitis range from viral and bacterial infections to tooth decay that spreads into the sinuses. Additionally, higher levels of pollution, particularly PM 2.5, have been linked to an increased risk of chronic sinusitis. Dr. Kawinyarat highlights that those with weakened immune systems, the elderly, and individuals with diabetes are particularly vulnerable to complications related to sinusitis.

In order to prevent complications, individuals with sinusitis are advised to seek prompt treatment before the condition spreads to the eyes and brain. Dr. Kawinyarat emphasizes the importance of maintaining good health, strengthening the immune system, and avoiding environments with high levels of dust and allergens.

For those already suffering from sinusitis, treatment options vary from antibiotics and medication for reducing swelling to saline nose rinses, steroid injections, and sinus surgery. Sinus surgery, specifically Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS), is recommended in cases where medication alone is not effective.

In light of the current state of pollution and climate change, it is crucial for individuals to take proactive measures to protect their respiratory health. By following Dr. Kawinyarat’s advice and prioritizing health, individuals can mitigate the risks associated with sinusitis and enjoy a healthier winter season.]
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