All about the dangerous fashion of coffee enemas

by time news

2023-07-16 02:00:06

saturated nurse

Updated Sunday, July 16, 2023 – 02:00

The new viral hoax on “TikTok” promises to cure all your diseases, but it only manages to put your health at risk

Illustration by LUIS PAREJO

The next time someone invites you to drink coffeeI recommend that you think twice. Especially if you don’t know the other person very well or if you don’t want to be scared, rather than where? I recommend that you ask where?

I know that I am proposing to answer one question with another, and that we Galicians are famous for doing that often, but taking into account the worrying popularity that the coffee enemas on the social networks Instagram and TikTok, then do not say that I have not warned you.

What does it consist of?

Yes, what they are thinking about, introduce a liter of coffee through the anus with the help of a probe. In the kit that they advertise and sell freely on social networks, everything is prepared so that we can do it in the privacy of our own home.

Of course, they recommend doing it in the morning and on an empty stomach. Starting from there your day can only get better.

what is it for?

They will tell you that it is used to prevent and cure practically all diseases you can imagine: allergies, arthritis, ulcerative colitis, constipation, alcohol addiction, asthma, insomnia, nasal congestion, liver failure, hypertension, gas, headaches, back pain, high cholesterol…

But the reality is that there is no scientific evidence to support any of the purported benefits of coffee enemas. They are uselessbut the problem is that they can put in serious risk to your health.

How are you preparing?

As if we were going to drink a cup of coffee at breakfast, but without actually drinking it. Although if you make more than you need you might give him a drink.

Three tablespoons of ground coffee are put in a liter of water and wait until it boils. After three minutes of boiling, turn off the heat and let the mixture rest for fifteen minutes. Without filtering it, we introduce the solution into a bag connected to an anal probe… and everything goes inside. Now only It is a matter of time before the consequences of performing this dangerous and not recommended technique arrive..

Where does this fashion come from?

Its promoters claim that coffee enemas have been used since 1928There are even those who claim that they have been used for more than two hundred years, but it is true that in the 1920s the German doctor Max Gerson began using coffee enemas as a treatment for cancer. His studies were quickly dismantled by other scientistsand it is from the 90s when these enemas become popular again as alternative treatments against cancer and to wash the large intestine.

One of the most recent cases we have is that of Steve JobYes, he refused to undergo surgery for the cancer he suffered to follow Gerson’s alternative therapies.

Why are they dangerous?

In the medical literature we find documented cases of patients who have had coffee enemas and have ended up in the hospital with proctitis (a painful inflammation of the rectal mucosa that occurs with secretion of mucus or blood), rectal perforations when the probe is inserted, hydroelectrolyte imbalance due to the high amount of coffee introduced and internal burns due to the temperature of the solution.

In addition, there is a significant risk that this perforation will end in peritonitis or generalized infections that can cause us to lose our lives.

Coffee enemas are therefore a practice that poses a risk to our health and that does not provide any benefit

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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