All crazy about tahina, what it is and how to cook it

by time news – Paste made from toasted and ground sesame seeds, originally from the Middle East, has a smooth and creamy consistency, similar to peanut butter, and is used in cooking as part of a “variety of sweet and savory dishes or in recipes such as hummus, baba ganoush, sauces and condiments”. In the opinion of Gambero Rosso, tahini “is a nutritious food that has various substances beneficial to health: rich in good fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals, such as calcium, iron, magnesium and copper, it is an excellent addition to a balanced diet.

If we go more specifically, it is a source of fibre, rich in “calcium, iron, magnesium and phosphorus, which play a fundamental role in the health of bones, muscles and the nervous system” and contains copper, “an essential mineral for absorption of iron, to prevent blood clots and regulate blood pressure”. However, it should not be forgotten that tahina, writes the gourmet monthly, “is a food with a high calorie and fat content, so it is advisable to consume it in moderation and in balance with other foods”.

In addition to the cooking uses already mentioned, tahina “can be used as a base for marinades for meat, poultry, fish or vegetables, adding spices, lemon juice and olive oil for a more flavorful result” or to add protein, integrate vegan recipes.

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