All doctors from pharmacy offices would be hired

by time news

2023-09-06 20:00:44

According to Cofepris, there are just over 78,000 registered pharmacy offices throughout the country.
These types of establishments already offer more daily consultations than the IMSS.
A proposal presented to the Senate seeks to regulate all pharmacy offices to offer a fixed employment contract to their doctors.

Los Pharmacy offices continue to be liked by patients, although their biggest complaint is related to the working conditions of their doctors. To date it is affirmed that it is a form of labor exploitation due to the lack of benefits and other benefits established by law. Although now that could come to an end.

Differences between public and private health

To begin with, Mexican health is divided into two large areas and each one has both positive and adverse aspects. First is the public sector and the main complaints from patients are excessive waiting times. Even in the case of surgeries it is necessary to book months in advance due to the excessive workload in hospitals.

On the other hand, the private health It is another option that anyone can resort to to avoid delays, as long as they have sufficient financial resources. Payment for services depends on the institutions, although there are many that are not within the reach of the average population that receives a minimum wage.

Faced with this scenario, clinics attached to pharmacies arose a little more than two decades ago. These are spaces that only offer general consultations but are distinguished by their low prices. Their success has been so great that they have spread throughout the country.

According to the Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks (Cofepris), at least until 2022 there were registered just over 78,000 pharmacy offices throughout the country. The number is constantly increasing and now in each neighborhood there is at least one of the main chains.

In fact, to date this type of establishment already offers more daily consultations than the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS). It is partly thanks to its cheap prices but also because of the immediate service. People prefer to pay for care instantly instead of having to wait in endless lines.

Regulation for all doctors in pharmacy offices

Despite the foregoing, the main complaints received by pharmacies offices they are because of the working conditions they offer their doctors. Most of the chains hire them for fees and never offer them seniority, vacations, bonuses and other benefits.

With this in mind, Senator Lilia Margarita Valdez presented an initiative to regulate all offices adjacent to pharmacies. The objective is not only to offer decent conditions to doctors but also to standardize the service provided to patients.

Main points of the proposal

Its operation must be conditional on the existence of the equipment and instrument indicated in the regulations, as well as in the official standards of the Ministry of Health.
In no case may medical attention be conditioned to consumption in the pharmacy, drugstore and adjoining apothecary.
The medical personnel who work in said clinics must be hired as established in articles 14 and 15 of the Federal Labor Law.
The owners of drugstores, apothecaries and pharmacies may not establish a loan agreement with the medical personnel in charge of the situation.
The owners of pharmacies, drugstores and apothecaries will be subject to the terms of article 260 bis of the Law.
There will be fines of two thousand to 6 thousand UMAS for those who violate the provisions of the articles indicated, the amount may be up to 622 thousand pesos.

At the same time, the proposal also establishes reforms and additions to articles 38, 198, 260 and 420 in the General law of health.

For now, this initiative has already been turned over for discussion within the Senate. While the most important thing is that it does not seek to end pharmacy offices but to guarantee decent working conditions for doctors and ensure that all patients receive quality care.

Also read:

Why do patients prefer doctor’s offices attached to pharmacies?

From Similar to From Savings: This is the salary of doctors from offices attached to pharmacies

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#doctors #pharmacy #offices #hired

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