All expenses that doctors can deduct before the SAT

by time news

2023-11-15 01:00:10

Paying taxes is an obligation that all professional workers must comply with. It is not optional and if you do not comply with this indication you may receive quite onerous fines. But a very important point that you must keep in mind is that there are some expenses that you can deduct before the Tax Administration System (SAT).

A characteristic that most university courses have in common is that information on legal aspects is minimal. Therefore, when starting professional life there are many doubts about the procedures that must be completed.

What expenses can be deducted before the SAT?

First of all, it is necessary to emphasize that everyone is obliged to tax payment. What is collected is used for community benefit such as fixing sidewalks and lights or for social programs.

This payment is determined based on the income earned by each worker. At the same time, there are some items with which it is possible to make the payment lower. In some cases the government can even make refunds to taxpayers.

According to the portal My Pocket there are some specific expenses that doctors and other health workers can deduct before the SAT.

Travel costs to medical conferences and congresses. Professional liability insurance. Personnel expenses and social benefits. Continuous training for employees. Uniforms, supplies and medical equipment. Office operating expenses.

What is the annual tax payment declaration?

Broadly speaking, it is a document with official validity in which all the income and expenses of a person appear during a certain period. The most important thing is that both figures must be consistent because otherwise there are signs of suspicious and illegal activities.

On a daily basis, March is the month in which this obligation must be fulfilled. Otherwise, withholdings, fines and even the closure of a medical office may begin.

Who is required to perform manual direct filling?

All workers must comply with the payment of taxes, although there are some who must fill out the document manually and they are the following.

If you obtained income greater than 400,000 pesos in the year. If you worked for two or more employers in the same year, even if you did not exceed 400,000 pesos. If you requested your employer in writing not to file your annual return. If you stopped providing your services before December 31 of the year in question. If you obtained other cumulative income (fees, rent, business activities, among others), in addition to salaries. If you received income from retirement, pension, liquidation or some type of worker’s compensation.

Additionally, there are other expenses that can be deducted before the SAT and have a direct relationship with health professionals.

Medical, dental and professional services fees in psychology and nutrition. They are deductible if they are provided by people with a professional title legally issued and registered by the competent educational authorities. Hospital expenses and medicines included in hospital bills. Pharmacy receipts are not applicable. Fees to nurses. Analysis, clinical studies. Purchase or rental of devices for the recovery or rehabilitation of the patient. Prosthesis. Purchase of graduated optical lenses to correct visual effects. Premiums for medical expenses insurance, complementary or independent of health services provided by public social security institutions. These health expenses will be deductible when they have been incurred for you, your spouse or partner, your parents, grandparents, children and grandchildren.

And what other expenses do you know that can be deducted before the SAT?

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