“All life can be harvested in a single day”

by time news

“I tell the time span of our entire existence, which we could collect even in a single day”. As Sergio Cammariere describes the ‘philosophy’ contained in his latest album, due out tomorrow, which is precisely titled ‘just one day’13 unreleased songs but composed over several years and written with the collaboration of Roberto Kunstler, for the record label Park of Music Records of the Musica per Roma foundation, which manages theAuditorium ‘Morricone’ where the Calabrian singer-songwriter gives a preview of his new musical ‘creatures’, waiting for 17 June for the ‘live’ which at the House of Jazz Of Roma will open the tour that will touch between the various stages San Remo e Napolidedicated to the new album and its most famous songs, the most famous of which – ‘all that a man’which finished third on the podium and was awarded the Critics Award at the Sanremo Festival in 2003 – will now be recorded by Mina.

“This album – he says Waiter – is the result of a long period of isolation and at the same time of a creative phase. You can recognize various musical styles, from jazz to bossa nova, from swing to Latin music, from the timbres of Andalusia to those of the Maghreb. I hope that listening to it will arouse the desire to listen to it again, which is very rare these days… – he ironizes – When I write a piece, I don’t think at all about its location, its ‘destiny’, success or unpopularity, which are only the result of coincidences, like the happy one at the San Remo Festival where did it take me Goofy Baudo and where Amadeus He had at first decided to let me come back this year”.

The “gratitude” of Sergio Cammariere goes above all “to the great masters of Italian music that I have had the good fortune to meet” and draws up a list that goes from Gino Paoli to Sergio Bardotti, from Bruno Lauzi to Lucio Dallayes Sergio Endrigo a Luigi Tenco and to Giorgio Calabrese, while among the great interpreters, together with Mina, she quotes Ornella Vanoni. “But I also like working for the cinema – he underlines – and the experience I have just gained with Pupi Avati for the soundtrack of the film ‘The Fourteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time’ con Gabriel Lavia and Lodo Guenzi, who play the same character respectively as an old man and as a young man, was fundamental for me, marking growth both professionally and personally”.

(Of Enzo Bonaiuto)

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