‘All Revivals Have Had Excesses’

by time news

As much as the reports of the Asbury revivals, in the United States, have been accompanied by testimonies of those who were there, in person, verifying the action of God on the lives of those who manifested repentance, the theme continues to be the subject of disagreements between evangelical leaders .

This is because, apparently, the central point of disagreement involves knowing what, in fact, characterized the revivals throughout the history of the Christian Church. About this, pastor, author and lecturer Geremias Couto, from the Assembly of God, made a brief comment.

Couto countered Pastor Paulo Júnior, leader of the Aliança do Calvário Church in Franca, São Paulo, who referred to the spiritual revival known as “Rua Azusa”, in California (USA), which occurred in 1906, as the result of a purely emotional condition. .

“Characterizing Azuza as an emotional lull and not a genuine revival, as Paulo Júnior did, reveals a lack of knowledge of history and a deep dose of prejudice”, stated Geremias Couto. “It was a sectarian, disrespectful and out of line attitude,” he said.

The pastor explained that possible occasional errors are not enough to discredit a genuinely divine move, in view of the human factor involved. “All revivals have had their excesses, but you cannot take away their genuineness. The effects of Azuza remain until today”, says Couto.

Brazil needs

Pastor and writer Franklin Ferreira also commented on current revivals. Citing Asbury as an example and the work of theologian Jonathan Edwards, the doctor of divinity argued that this spiritual movement should be desired by Brazilians.

“What is happening in Asbury is a revival that we here in Brazil should also look forward to, for God to pour out His Spirit with power upon us,” Ferreira said.

A revival that, according to the pastor, must be poured out “on the Brazilian Church, so that we can experience these refreshing times that come from the presence of the Lord”. Learn more about the subject through a compilation made by GospelMais by clicking here, or below:

“The church urgently needs a revival,” says Hernandes Dias Lopes

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