All the benefits offered by this practice

by time news

2023-05-19 22:00:57

  • Human milk contains all the nutrients that newborns require for the first six months of life and complements the diet up to two years of age.
  • It also improves child neurodevelopment and prevents obesity.
  • World Breast Milk Donation Day is commemorated every May 19.

It is clear and proven that breastfeeding is one of the best practices that a woman can do with her newborn child. Its impact is so great that it is even considered to be the first “vaccine” that any human should receive. In addition, the benefits are not only for the baby but also for the mother.

Exclusive food for the first 6 months of life

About this topic the World Health Organization (WHO) has an indication. For at least the first six months of the baby’s life, his only food should be breast milk. You should not ingest other liquids or products because it is counterproductive and puts your integrity at risk.

According to the Institute of Security and Social Services for State Workers (Issste), the ideal is promote breastfeeding by raising awareness and teaching techniques that promote this healthy practice to women seen in pregnancy control consultations and in postpartum hospitalization or caesarean section, for the benefit of the mother-child pairing, thus guaranteeing access to health care from birth better health conditions for the entitlement.

Education to promote breastfeeding

On the occasion of World Breast Milk Donation Daywhich is commemorated every May 19, the general director of the institute, Pedro Zenteno Santaella, reported that among the actions implemented in the organization for successful breastfeeding are:

  • Help mothers start this practice within half an hour of delivery.
  • Show them how to breastfeed and do it long-term at home.
  • Do not give newborns any other food than their mother’s milk.
  • Practice rooming-in at the hospital from birth and throughout their hospital stay.

In this regard, the head of the Newborn area of ​​the Regional Hospital “Lic. Adolfo López Mateos”, Alma Aguilar Bucio, pointed out that the hospital is attached to the Hospital Amigo del Niño y de la Niña program, which promotes, protects and disseminates to all the beneficiaries the many benefits of raising the mother for them and their babies .

“It has been shown that breastfed infants achieve better neurodevelopment measured at two years of age than those who are fed artificial milk formulas. On the other hand, it prevents overweight and obesity because it is given on demand and the intake is self-regulated according to the real needs of the baby, while the feeding based on substitute milk formulas is done by schedule and portion, which encourages more intake than required.

Mom’s milk is the best gift of health you can give your newborn daughter or son. Strengthens your defenses; It prevents illnesses; it contains the nutrient and energetic contributions that it requires; avoids risk of being overweight or obese; strengthens the loving bond between them; and contributes to their optimal physical, mental and emotional development.

This natural food protects girls and boys against infections, diarrhea, pneumonia, and allergies. The mother transmits, through her milk, the antibodies from the vaccines she has received. For example, against COVID-19, in addition to the diseases that she has suffered.

In turn, the mother who breastfeeds is benefited in many ways: reduces the risk of breast cancer; helps to regulate her weight and reduce the extra kilos that she would have accumulated during pregnancy; and contributes as a protection factor against another pregnancy, favoring her organic restoration.

The negative aspects of artificial milk

In contrast, the use of artificial milk substitutes and bottles increase the risk of obesity, gastrointestinal infections, otitis media, dental problems such as cavities and maxillary deformity, and even sudden death, in addition to affecting the family economy.

He highlighted that ISSSTE has a group of breastfeeding supportto which the entitled mothers can call or go to solve doubts or when they face a problem in this process.

Techniques for manual milk extraction, hygienic measures, collection and proper preservation in the lactation rooms of the workplace are also taught.

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#benefits #offered #practice

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