All the keys to easily achieve healthy and satisfying desserts at home

by time news

Giving up the intake of desserts and sweet dishes is not the only alternative when we seek to eat a healthy diet, but their intake properly and always taking care of the quality of the preparations can even be of great help when losing weight or benefiting our health. That’s why we left all the keys to easily achieve healthy and satisfying desserts at home.

First thing: avoid free sugars

Los free or added sugars They are usually a common ingredient in most desserts, especially in commercial alternatives or those prepared outside the home.

It is a component with addictive effects on our body and that it does not benefit health at all, but quite the opposite, which is why we recommend avoiding them in all cases.

Instead, we can use foods that are sources of natural sugars that are accompanied by other quality nutrients and that, in addition to providing a sweet flavor, will increase the satiating power of our dishes.

The best resources to sweeten our dishes healthily without resorting to sugar or using many sweeteners

In some cases, It can also be useful to use sweeteners such as stevia or others of industrial origin, especially to replace a large part or all of the added sugar. However, we also recommend not overdoing its use.

Add fruits and vegetables whenever possible

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The incorporation of fruits and vegetables to our sweet dishes is an excellent option to add quality nutrients to them, and add volume without many calories, thus achieving a plate of reduced caloric density but highly nutritious.

Vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber and water are some of the beneficial nutrients that fruits and vegetables can incorporate into our desserts, resulting in many cases options to sweeten naturally, without going free or added sugars.

Of course, we recommend first of all fresh fruits and vegetables but dried or dehydrated alternatives as well as purées without added sugar are also good options to incorporate into our desserts.

Use quality fat sources


Butter, margarines, and other fats that are solid at room temperature are the most widely used alternatives. to make highly palatable and creamy desserts.

However, these ingredients can offer saturated fats and sometimes trans fats in appreciable amounts, which are harmful to health due to their pro-inflammatory effect.

That’s why, use quality fat sources to give flavor and consistency to our dishes is key, being able in these cases resort to extra virgin olive oil It withstands high temperatures very well. nuts and creams based on these or, at avocado that can provide creamy texture and many quality nutrients to our sweet dishes.

Incorporate foods that provide protein


Las proteins They are the nutrient with the greatest satiating power in our body and therefore cannot be missing from our desserts if we are looking for a controlled consumption without addictive effect.

To add protein to our desserts we can go to vegetable ingredients such as nuts, seeds or, derived from legumes like chickpea flour, beans, tofu and others; or we can go to dairy and eggs or egg whites in high proportions.

Thus, we can make a fitness cheesecake, a yoghurt-based cake, and even creamy desserts with yoghurt, fresh whipped cheese or beaten egg whites in large quantities.

Use integrals instead of refined


Refined flours and easily assimilated starches for our body, they are other ingredients that convert most of the desserts and sweets into low-quality preparations for our body.

For this reason, we recommend using integrals instead of refined being able to do this by resorting to whole grain flours or to options derived from legumes and nuts that provide a higher proportion of fiber and protein than isroast easily and provide other beneficial nutrients for the body such as vitamins, various minerals and a minimum of healthy fats.

Choose healthy cooking and do not overprocess


The way in which we make a dessert, beyond its ingredients, can determine its effect on the body. That’s why we recommend choose healthy cooking methods Avoiding frying whenever possible, as it is an option that adds a lot of unnecessary fat and calories to our plate.

Beyond that, it is advisable not to overprocess the ingredients in our dessert, in order to preserve fiber, vitamins, minerals and demand more chewing for your consumption.

15 healthy and sugar-free desserts that we can prepare easily and quickly at home

In other words, instead of using nut flour, we recommend chopped nuts, while we can also use, for example, some cooked and slightly broken or crushed legumes, chopped fruits, seeds or other ingredients that without overprocessing They can make a tasty dessert.

So, we will achieve a lower glycemic index, greater satiating power and better nutrients for our dessert.

These are the claves to achieve healthy and satiating desserts easily at home.

In vitónica | 41 fitness desserts, satiating and sugar-free, to end the meal on a high

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