all the requirements, what the process is like and what the money can be used for

by time news

2023-09-07 17:47:21

The Government published the requirements that retirees must meet and registered workers to access ANSeS credits for up to $400,000. The measure, which had been anticipated by the Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, was formalized through the Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) 463/2023, published this Thursday in the Official Gazette.

For this, the National State will allocate $450,000 million pesosan amount that could be increased.

The measure, which had been anticipated by the Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, was formalized through the Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) 463/2023, published this Thursday in the Official Gazette.

In the case of retirees, The investment may be up to 20% of the total assets of the Sustainability Guarantee Fund, while for workers it may not exceed 5%.

The maximum amount the grant will be $400,000to one Annual Nominal Rate (TNA) of 50%for all amortization periods for workers.

In all cases, the fee-income ratio with respect to the credit granted cannot exceed 20% of the gross monthly remuneration.

ANSeS credits: what are the requirements

To access the loans you must meet the following requirements:

Be in a relationship of dependency in the modalities and conditions established by the explanatory and complementary rules and have remuneration that, at the time of the credit application, is lower than the current remuneration from which they begin to be achieved due to the Income Tax levy.Have a seniority of not less than six continuous months under the same employer. Do not exceed, on the date of completion of the credit payment, the established legal retirement age.not overcome “Situation 2”, according to the registered category stipulated by the Central Debtors published by the Central Bank. Not being a beneficiary of retirement and/or pension with current line of credit within the “ANSeS Credits” Program.Be the holder of a credit card from a bank that operates in the countrywhere the policyholder receives his monthly remuneration. The loan will be credited to that card.

The DNU also established that the repayment period for loans for workers It is established in 24, 36 and 48 monthly and consecutive installments.

The payment of the first installment will have a Grace period that can be extended up to three months, according to the date of granting the credit based on the day of collection of the worker’s remuneration.

The ANSeS was empowered to debit any amount owed for the credit of the bank accounts held by the policyholder, even overdrawn and without any questioning.

Likewise, the people taking the credits They will not be able to access the exchange market for the purposes of obtaining foreign currency until the total cancellation of the credit.

ANSeS credits for retirees

Requirements for retirees

Residing in the country. Be less than 92 years old at the time of finalizing the loan. We remind you that holders of ANSES Credits will not be able to purchase foreign currency. Documentation DNI. CBU from your own bank account that is obtained at the bank, ATM or home banking.From $5,000 up to $400,000 in 24, 36, or 48 installments.The installment cannot exceed 30% of the monthly income. The credit is deposited in the bank account within 5 business days. Gather the documentation: DNI, last copy. Have updated personal and contact information. They can be reviewed in my ANSES with CUIL and Social Security Code.take turnRequest an appointment be attended to in person.

What can silver be used for?

The money obtained, meanwhile, is free to use: it can be used for whatever you want, except to buy dollars.

#requirements #process #money

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