All the tests and exams that you must include

by time news
  • 65% of Mexicans do not undergo regular medical check-ups to verify their true state of health.
  • Even if a person’s health is optimal, it is recommended to see a doctor at least once a year.
  • From complete blood counts and blood chemistry to tests to detect HIV and HPV are the basis of a medical check-up.

An erroneous thought among the population is that a doctor should only be seen when they are sick. Actually, any day of the year is perfect to go for a consultation because that way they can verify their true state of health. In addition, there are many diseases that do not generate symptoms and to identify if you have any, you need a medical check-up.

A Demotecnia survey reported that only 35 percent of Mexicans who do not present conditions that require them to seek medical attention, go to a health professional to perform some routine check-up.

What is a medical check up?

Before moving forward, it is necessary to offer a concrete definition of this term. It consists of a general health review that includes all the basic laboratory tests and the opinion of a doctor. In this way, conditions such as hypertension, cancer or diabetes, among others, can be identified from their early stages.

According to the Institute of Social Security for State Workers (ISSSTE), the annual medical check-up is a quick and safe procedure that helps health professionals to detect various types of diseases in a timely manner.

Studies that a medical check-up should include

Among the clinical studies that should be carried out are Complete blood count, blood chemistry, taking levels of glucose, urea, creatinine, uric acid, cholesterol, triglycerides, general urine test, immunological tests to detect HIV, HPV or hepatitis B and C, specific prostate antigen, and the most advanced Tele Thorax, Spirometry and electrocardiograms.

Once the medical check-up Priorities or red flags of attention are established. At this point it is defined whether it is pertinent to complement the evaluation with more studies, as well as the time for a new visit.

Today it is possible to make a check-up tailored to the risks of each disease and taking into account patient characteristics such as age, gender or comorbidities. It is essential that we know our metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and lipids; Likewise, women must be aware of their estrogen metabolism and predict the risk of breast cancer and 27 other common diseases.

The big problem with diseases like cancer is that most cases are diagnosed until they are in advanced stages. When that happens, the probability of cure is quite low and other complications can also arise.

On the other hand, if it is detected in its early stages, there are more treatment options and the probability of overcoming the disease is quite high.

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