all the voices of «la Lettura»-

by time news

2023-10-13 20:34:57

by Culture Editorial Staff

In insert #620, on Saturday 14 October in digital and Sunday 15 on newsstands, the Norwegian writer who won the prestigious award and the Book Fair which opens its doors in the German city. Extras in the App: A profile of James Ellroy

A focus on Slovenia, with among others, the texts of the historian Borut Klabjan and Mara Gergolet and Cristina Taglietti’s interview with the philosopher Slavoj Žižek, open the new issue «la Lettura», #620, on Saturday 14 October in App and on newsstands Sunday 15th. This year, Slovenia is the guest country of honor at the Frankfurt Book Fair, from 18 to 22 October in the German city; in 2024 it will be Italy’s turn.

Among the big names present in the issue of «la Lettura», Jon Fosse, the Norwegian novelist and playwright, Nobel Prize winner for Literature 2023, whose volume Io è unaltro was published for La nave di Teseo. Septology III-V, which, interviewed by Alessia Rastelli, talks about the Catholic faith, the accident in which he risked his life and his problems with alcohol; another Norwegian author, who was a pupil of Fosse, is Karl Ove Knausgård, interviewed by Vanni Santoni. Also a Nobel Prize winner is the Frenchman Patrick Modiano, about whom Emanuele Trevi writes. There will also be space for the new book by the master of the legal thriller John Grisham which comes out in the USA on 17 October and arrives in Italy in November for Mondadori with the title «The Exchange» and which sees the return of the lawyer protagonist of «The Partner» who on the screen he had the face of Tom Cruise: Marco Bruna writes about it in the new issue. And again, Matteo Persivale read for «la Lettura» the new novel by James Ellroy, «The Enchanters», just released in the United States, which will arrive in Italy next year, in May, by Einaudi. On Saturday 14 October the Theme of the Day, the digital-only daily extra of the «la Lettura» App, is precisely a portrait, edited by Persivale, of Ellroy himself.

In addition to the new issue previewed on Saturdays and the Topic of the Day, the App – for smartphones and tablets – also offers the entire archive from 2011 to today. Subscribing costs €3.99 per month or €39.99 per year, with one week free. The subscription can also be subscribed from desktop starting from This Page. For subscribers, the contents are also visible from PC and Mac from their Profile page.

October 13, 2023 (modified October 13, 2023 | 8:34 pm)

#voices #Lettura

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