Alleged Irregularities in Government Employment and Wealth Imbalance Investigation: Controller’s Report

by time news

In a press conference, he indicated that of this figure, 1,779 employees are part of the national government, 1,473 are part of the regional governments and 2,443 are part of the municipalities.

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Shaked presented the results of the post-control first half of 2024 carried out by the Controller’s Office this Wednesday, July 17.

He said national government officials allegedly involved in the irregularities belong to the three branches of the state and autonomous organizations.

He also elaborated that 1,390, i.e. 78%, are part of the executive branch. The sectors with the highest impact in the central government are health, which comprises 261 employees; energy, 145 and education, 123; among others. [ver recuadro],

salud261social protection170Energy 145Defence and National Security131Education123Economic and Financial92Transport70Planning, Management and Contingency Reserve61Agriculture53Ambient51Public order and safety45Hygiene39Justicia34Task20Housing and Urban Development20social security14Industry 11Culture and Sports10Pesca9Communication8tourismo8Mining7Commerce6Foreign Relations6
AreaNumber of officers allegedly involved
Other powers of the State, autonomous organisations and national universities
congresso5Judiciary54Judiciary Academy3Autonomous Organization33National Universities285

As for regional governments, Ayacucho, led by Wilfredo Oscorima, leads the list with 129 officials involved in alleged irregularities. They are followed by Apurimac and Junin, with 125 and 105, respectively.

(Source: Comptroller’s Office)

The responsibilities involved range from administrative, civil to criminal areas.

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Balance of Comptroller's Office

Balance of Comptroller’s Office

The head of the control body also mentioned five emblematic cases detected by the institution, noting, for example, the little attention paid to 75 cases of sexual abuse against minors by the Women’s Emergency Centers of the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations in the provinces of Baguio and Condorcanqui, in the Amazon region.

The report also took into account the shortage of more than 30,700 essential medicines in health establishments across the country and the loss of more than S/738 thousand in Cenarez due to the delivery of medical equipment and pharmaceutical products to private ophthalmology companies.

Meanwhile, Katia Tirado, manager of Political, Institutional and Economic Control of the Comptroller’s Office, indicated that, in the CEM and the police stations of Bagua and Condorcanqui, “there are no recognized appropriate security plans.”

“Even the registration form of the Condorcanqui Women’s Emergency Center does not contain information about the assessment of the service provided by the professionals. To handle any scenario of sexual abuse with adolescent children, there must be a minimum multidisciplinary team composed of a lawyer, a psychologist and a social worker. In this case, even the minimum examinations required by these professionals are not taken into account,” He added.

Because of this, he warned, the level of influence of the minor cannot be known and, therefore, “state support is not activated.”

Nelson Shack’s term as comptroller ends on July 19. The executive branch proposed Cesar Aguilar as his successor. The decision is in the hands of the permanent commission.


Next intervention

  • Shaked announced that the Controller’s Office is planning various control actions, one of them at the level of sports infrastructure, properties and real estate managed by the IPD.

See the controller’s presentation here:

Review the Controller’s report here:

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Alleged imbalances of Boluert

At another time, Shaked spoke about the alleged wealth imbalance of President Dina Boluart. He indicated that after learning about the Rolex case, the control body launched an investigation in May, and after the process of gathering information, it found omissions in statements made when she was Minister of Development and Social Inclusion and then President. “The controller knows that she has more accounts [bancarias] compared to those declared,” he explained.

Likewise, he informed that the information was sent to the Minister of Development and Social Inclusion, Julio Demartini, and to the Undersecretary General of the Government Palace, Antonio Mireille Ramos Bernola.

“There are reasonable indications that there is an alleged improper wealth imbalance and that is why we have launched an additional investigation, which we informed the President about on July 1,” he stressed.

He indicated that the President is within the time limit to provide his defense and after that “the reports will be closed.” Furthermore, he said it will be up to the new management of the Comptroller’s Office to refer the said reports to the Public Ministry or archive them.

Likewise, he denied that the Comptroller’s Office had “leaked information” to the press.It said we expressed ourselves too mildly and not what the comptroller is supposed to do when faced with a question from the press, is to tell the truth. “Everyone should know what the comptroller’s office is investigating in connection with this matter,” Said.

“And this is what we have said: it has been verified that there have been lapses in the recording of the accounts in the sworn statements and an investigation has been initiated because there is a conviction, that is, we have indications that suggest that there would be an alleged asset imbalance there,” he said. “And we are waiting for the information to be sent by the president and then we will conclude the report.” He commented.

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Finally, he urged Congress not to approve the supplemental credit requested by the executive branch. Shaked said that this document, in its ninth supplemental amendment provision, would affect the autonomy of the control body.

“On July 1, we notify the president that there are signs of asset imbalances so that he can respond. Ten days later, the executive branch sends a bill to Congress that contains hundreds of pages (…) in an almost restrained way, as they say, in an absolutely hidden way, a provision that cuts off the hands of the comptroller starting next year”, Indian.

On behalf of the government, the President of the Council of Ministers, Gustavo Adriánzen, questioned the Controller and categorically rejected any alleged wealth imbalance on the part of the President.

He stressed that “manifestations that are allegedly technical” “follow reactions of a political nature.” And in that context, it was asked how it could be explained that the week in which Boluert presented a new candidate to occupy the post of Controller, these files were activated. “At the very least (it is) unusual and worrying,” he commented after indicating that he believed that the new authorities would “have to fix this nonsense.”

“The truth astonishes me that, so easily, information of this nature could be slipped out, because it is part of a file that should be reserved, especially when it comes to the president’s accounts,” he said at a news conference.

“There is nothing to worry about,” he said. “The President is sending a detailed and documented response, for example, about the existence of two accounts that she has not declared. It seems to me that the balance of one is S/1.40 and the balance of the other is S/1.14 or something like that. The rule itself says that if the balances are insignificant, they do not need to be declared,” he said.

For his part, President Boluarte’s lawyer, Juan Carlos Portugal, described the Controller’s statements as “irresponsible” and pointed out that the alleged accounts not declared by the President amount to no more than “two soles in his funds”.

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