Allergic asthma, how to recognize it? – Better with Health

by time news

2024-10-01 18:00:55

An asthma attack can be triggered by something, such as dust. However, not all asthma patients are allergic.

Last update: August 1, 2024

Asthma is a chronic disease that causes narrowing of the airways. Patients suffering from it have difficulty breathing and exhaling, as their bronchi become inflamed and mucus production increases. Among the most common symptoms are coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness.

Asthma crises or episodes can last a few minutes or last for hours and start due to many factors. Some triggers are similar to those that cause allergies, such as dust, pollen, and mites.. When it is clear that the attack started due to suspicion of something, we talk about the type of asthma caused by allergies.

Allergic asthma is the most common form of presentation, but not the only one. There are also other differences, whose causes are not things considered to be allergies. For example, stress, environmental conditions and exercise are capable of causing attacks in some patients.

What is allergic asthma?

This type of asthma is the most common. Especially in childhood. It is estimated that a 80% of children with the disease They have a rough difference. Likewise, nearly half of adults with asthma in the United States suffer from it for the same reason.

The first characteristic is that symptoms start or worsen due to exposure to any of the following allergens:

  • Poland.
  • Moho.
  • Dust dust.
  • Mushroom spores.
  • Pet hair.
  • Yesterday’s wild.
  • Foods, such as dairy and eggs.
  • Chemicals with strong fragrances, such as perfumes.

Although these substances are not dangerous in themselves to the body, the immune system interprets them as foreign and offensive, which is why it reacts to protect itself. In particular, there is inflammation in the bronchi, which can lead to a crisis event. At the same time, allergic symptoms can be experienced.such as nasal congestion, swelling of the eyes, and skin.

How is it different from other types of asthma?

Indigestion or asthma is another variant of the disease with similar symptoms. But, Unlike the acute form, it is activated by different factors. In general, the environment, such as humidity, cold and dry air, pollution or tobacco smoke.

Conflicts can also be triggered by stress, hormonal imbalances and even pregnancy Genetic predisposition. Suffering from severe or repeated respiratory infections is a risk factor.

In contrast to the rough form, Self-inflicted asthma occurs more among the elderly, more often after the age of 35 and in women. Between 10% and 33% of asthma patients has this difference. To be more precise, according to the data collection developed in Finland, most cases arise after the age of 40. they are not harsh.

How to tell if your asthma is an allergy

To identify allergic asthma, the first thing is to determine whether contact with certain substances will manifest events. Or, again, if the allergens, when they are close to us, worsen the symptoms.

It can help to keep track of the time, place and possible cause we came into contact at that time from the attacking unit. However, there are complicated issues, because things are not always clear or noticeable. Mites, for example, live in buildings and it is difficult to prove their presence.

In any case, if you have doubts about your symptoms or suspect that one of your children has the disease, schedule a consultation with an allergy specialist. The doctor will do color pick tests or blood tests to identify what you are allergic to.

What is the treatment like?

The method is similar to that of other types of asthma. The drugs of choice are those known as anti-asthmatics:

  • Physical therapy.
  • Antihistamines.
  • Anti-inflammatories.
  • Bronchodilators.
  • Leukotriene receptor antagonists.

Many of these drugs are used through inhalersbefore or during the event. It will be the doctor who indicates the best options for daily care and alternatives to use when there is a crisis.

In addition, there are other techniques that help control symptoms, if you don’t have an inhaler nearby. Among them, standing upright, practicing breathing with proper techniques and practicing good visualizations.

Some home remedies to relieve symptoms, such as caffeine, celery, or eucalyptus oil, may help. However, in the event of an attack, It is very important to avoid allergies.

And, in order to prevent future conflicts, it is recommended to take some precautions to avoid contact with risk factors. For example:

  • Dust the furniture regularly.
  • Reduce the use of perfume products for the environment.
  • Prevent pets from entering rooms and climbing on beds.
  • Do not go outside when the amount of pollen or air pollution is high.

Identify factors to improve your quality of life

Allergic asthma is the most common type of asthma. Patients with the disease have to pay attention to things or situations that cause conflicts and attacks. Reducing exposure to risk factors is the best way to avoid complications.

However, keep in mind that not everyone with allergies has asthma. Although they have a higher risk of developing the disease in the future. In addition, Not everyone who lives with asthma suffers from allergies..

In any case, it is very helpful to have an allergy record to share with the doctor. With this information, beyond allergy tests, the specialist can give you specific recommendations to avoid attacks.

#Allergic #asthma #recognize #Health

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