Allergy: Increase in Patients and the Rise of Herbal Treatments – Statistics, Symptoms, and Thai Traditional Medicine

by time news

2023-07-16 05:24:00
Title: Increase in Allergic Patients Prompts Demand for Herbal Treatments

Subtitle: Traditional Medicine and Self-Care Methods Offer an Alternative Solution

Allergy, a disease that affects individuals of all ages and genders, has seen a significant rise in the number of patients in recent years. With an increase of 38% in pediatric cases and 20% in adults experiencing symptoms such as coughing, itching in the nose, runny nose, rashes on the body, asthma, and itchy eyes, allergies have become a cause for concern. Thankfully, alternative medicine in the form of herbal treatments has emerged to offer relief and guidance on self-care practices.

Statistics from the Society of Allergy and Immunology of Thailand reveal that the number of allergic patients has tripled or quadrupled compared to a decade ago. The rise can be attributed to factors such as heredity, pollution, PM2.5 dust, smoking, lack of exercise, and environmental triggers like pets, carpeting, and air conditioning systems that accumulate dust and dust mites.

Allergies, also known as hypersensitivity, occur when the body’s immune system reacts abnormally to harmless substances, or allergens, present in the environment. Such allergens include dust, smoke, pollen, and climate changes. Symptoms manifest in various organs, such as the skin, nose, and lungs, leading to inflammation and abnormalities. Common symptoms include coughing, sneezing, runny nose, rashes, asthma, and itchy eyes. Prolonged allergies may even result in complications like sinusitis and rhinitis.

Within Thai traditional medicine, allergies are understood to be an imbalance of the body’s four elements. Chronic and recurring symptoms are often associated with Asatiya Achinjavara, a condition that is challenging to cure. Treatment involves addressing imbalances in the elements, purifying the blood, eliminating toxins, and reducing skin rashes. To combat water element syndrome, which manifests as phlegm in the throat, Thai herbal medicine is used.

One such herbal treatment that has shown promising results is Prab Chompoo Thavee. A comparative study found that it had similar therapeutic efficacy to the standard antihistamine medication, loratadine, in relieving allergic symptoms. Additionally, herbal steam has been investigated for its efficacy in reducing airborne allergies and improving patients’ quality of life. However, it is recommended to consult a doctor if nasal congestion and runny nose persist for more than two weeks.

Traditional Chinese medicine provides alternative approaches to allergy treatment. Allergies are often associated with disruptions in the balance of internal organs, such as the lungs, spleen, and kidneys. Acupuncture, using specific points on the body, and the use of herbal remedies that expel wind or phlegm and nourish the organs can help alleviate symptoms.

In order to take proper care of allergies, individuals are advised to adopt the 4Es approach: Exercise, Eating, Environment, and Emotion. Regular exercise has been found to improve allergic conditions, reducing the reliance on medication. Patients are encouraged to maintain a balanced diet, ensuring adequate nutrients for a robust immune system. Creating a clean and allergen-free environment, especially in the bedroom, is essential. Finally, managing emotions and reducing exposure to triggers such as dust, smoke, strong odors, and chemicals may prevent symptom exacerbation.

As the number of allergy patients continues to rise, the demand for alternative and holistic treatments increases. Herbal remedies from traditional medicine, coupled with self-care practices, offer viable solutions to alleviate allergic symptoms and improve overall well-being. By embracing a comprehensive approach, individuals can achieve relief and better manage their allergic conditions.]
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